Universal Wizards and Wagons (by Touch Dimensions)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by gamedboy, Nov 12, 2015.

  1. brainbag

    brainbag Active Member

    Sep 11, 2014
    The dagger is much better than the sword. It does 80% of the AoE damage the sword does, but you can fire it 3-4 times faster so you get much higher DPS. The range is farther than the animation would suggest also, so you can usually hit archers as well. I keep the sword around for wizards or far off archers, but use the dagger 90% of the time.
  2. gingler

    gingler Member

    Oct 30, 2015
    #162 gingler, Nov 20, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2015
    I think i should post this here

    I discoverd a lil falw on the game.

    The first day i played up to 5-7 hours.
    And what happened is that since i always talked to every townsfolk, the prices on the first continent went to the sewers, but not only that, soon enough if i went to other continents and talked to those people the same thing happened XD.

    But exactly what happened?

    It seems, that when i talked to the townsfolk, they tell you, the prices dropped in x place right?
    Ok thats cool, i should go to buy stuff there, but after a while, if you keep talking to everybody, they tell you about every place, and you cnat be everywhere.... So in the end...
    I was buying herbs at the price of 11 coins and selling them at 44 an example.
    But i could buy something at x price and always getting profit... Which in the made me super easy to get a huge amount of money.

    Now why people probably didnt notice this... Is because when you close the game and reopen everything goes back to normal.

    Btw with this method i was able to amass the money for a demon wagon ll with one of those snow wagon 3

    As for weapons i use a ice rod... Dont remeber the name but its super quick at charging and does a nice damage now i can even beat the monster in the frost zone, the eleven zone and the dark zone xD i just have problems with the desert funnily enough
  3. kirua

    kirua Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2012
    We were actually discussing this very point during development. It is easy mechanics-wise to build a 'firing range' for people to test out weapons, but we couldn't figure out how to make it presentable. We also tried an info panel with stats like damage, range and cooldown, but it also wasn't comprehensive enough to be useful...

    That's part of the original design, we haven't tweaked the route yet. In any case, the demand will gradually recover over time.

    Actually events like price drops you hear from rumors only lasts for a set number of days, so it's a bit strange that that happened to you. Could you send us your save file so we check what happened?
  4. flashsuper

    flashsuper Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2015
    #164 flashsuper, Nov 20, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2015
    Also idk if you ever plan to update autumn dynasty warlords again, I just bought it because of you dale. But it is buggy. It crashed twice...no biggie....but the sound makes very weird noises, like when the music plays, the it scratches like a record sound every once in a while, blows my speakers out. It's weird and it happens a lot. Also sometimes when the provinces counter attak, I have no troops so I forfeit, thinking I'll then be able to go train some, but it just keeps going and doesn't let me exit or leave the province, they keep taking one piece of land at a time do to me. It having troops and having to forfeit. Buggy.

    iPad Air 2 iOS 9
  5. Anova

    Anova Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Nov 14, 2012
    This game has a lot of potential, but currently feels like it's in beta.

    I love the core gameplay, and the flow and layout feel very organic. However:

    Screen up is clunky. To make a good move you need to check the map, guild screen, listen to news, market, back to map (because you forgot something). This is all good but currently bouncing between these is awkward.

    The guild quests early game feel impossible and too open ended. Tracked a cat for awhile that never showed up, got a note to deliver something to a place I couldn't make exist, etc. Maybe this was intentional but my guess is it isn't balanced, based on the next point.

    There is an almost game killing big with the guild quests. If you accept to deliver their goods, you can abandon the quest but you keep the goods to sell to whoever you ant without penalty.

    In general high hopes but I'm going to leave it alone until I see an update.
  6. Unstablefan

    Unstablefan Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Feb 22, 2013
    Maybe the number of radio buttons on each screen can be increased? and the number of intermediate screens decreased? For example, at least in my experience, the only thing to do at the market is trade. So from the map have a button not just to enter the city but to go straight to the trade interface, and vice verse. Etc.
  7. henryfakesmile

    henryfakesmile Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
    errr. seriously .. for a premium price game but you guys don't even support iOS game center that means no achievements / leaderboard ................. guess i will wait until u guys make an update for that........
  8. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.

    There is a search function for the threads...

    Some answers and news about updates have already been posted...
  9. toochunky

    toochunky Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2011
    No need to nerf Ham/Mithril, although slower regeneration of goods and/or demand does make some sense. I agree with everyone else that the much larger issue is that the economics of the other routes just don't really jibe with what you would expect. If you trek high quality goods from one end of the world to the other, from a city with high supply to a city with high demand, you would expect the price to be very very high. But the price is just marginally better in most cases than say swapping chickens between adjacent cities.

    Guild quests are usually impossible and seem to frequently require an amount of goods that is either impossible to acquire, impossible to carry at once, or impossible to complete within the time frame. And for a tiny reward. Unless I'm missing something, they are basically broken, in the sense that there's no point in ever attempting them. Ideally they would offer a reward that would open up alternate trade routes as suddenly profitable paths that you otherwise wouldn't take.

    Weapons - I would love an option to put the weapon buttons on the left. I'm right handed and tap to attack with my right hand . . . it's very tricky to quickly switch weapons between the ranged/melee or fast/slow. It would be fun to have some kind of upgrade that would allow you to carry a larger inventory of weapons than just what fits in your cart. It would encourage more experimentation, and allow you to use different strategies for different routes (that typically have different types of enemies). It's currently pretty dangerous to trade in for a new weapon that might end up sucking despite it's cost, and getting your wagon destroyed.
  10. Moocow

    Moocow Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2014
    I also think that there should be improvements made to the interface.
    - It's awkward even finding where you can travel from current position. You have to zoom in/out of the map repeatedly finding where the neighbouring cities are
    - There needs to be a better way to check the supply/demand of towns. You have to go into marketplace, see what the person is selling, exit marketplace, exit town, drag around entire map finding which town needs what, memorize (or even write down) what each town needs, then decide what to buy
    - Add in an "automated" battle option. This is not an action game, repeated mindless tapping is kind of pointless when you can just automate it and simply watch your caravan travel. For the consumables you can still manually tap them
  11. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    Yeah, many times the high demand is for something you can't get within two towns which makes things rather tedious. It would be nice if wagon speed could decrease travel time, because by the time you get the goods and sell the, the demand may have gone down.

    It would be nice to buy one one time use green item which teleports you from one town to another :)

    Also, once you have a home, it would be nice to be able to store weapons there...these are just wishful thoughts now though!

    Another thing that would make it a little more fluid when you are traveling a few towns over, is to be able to select those towns that are further away and go non stop...maybe shaving off a day of travel in the process for each town you pass? I feel like Something in this mechanic needs some polish anyway...
  12. kirua

    kirua Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2012
    Your home does allow you to store items already.

    Unless something drastic happens in our testing on Monday, we'll be able to release a content patch that includes iCloud, Game center achievements and online leaderboards (this alone I see adding a lot of replay value).

    We're taking in everybody's feedback and suggestions, some we won't be able to implement, but we'll put in what we can as we go on.
  13. Moocow

    Moocow Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2014
    The equipment concept is confusing. What are the blue slots, and how are they different from green slots in the caravan? What is considered a permanent weapon and what is considered a consumable? I can't even tell the difference from the vendor screen. It sells orbs in stacks of 3, so it means I can only tap it 3 times before it's permanently gone? And that costs 1000 gold? It also sells magic staves individually, is that considered a one-time use spell or what? What about "hammers", sold in stacks of 3?

    Also there needs to be a route between Huran and Draven... these two are right next to each other yet you have to travel around the WHOLE map on a detour to get to the other...

    Also how do you complete those "find xx in city ABC" quests? I got a quest that asks you to find a chicken named "spiky" in Huran. I've camped in Huran for like 3 days and tapped everywhere in the town, and I'm not finding anything that resembles a chicken?
  14. toochunky

    toochunky Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2011
    Are you posting all these questions after playing the game for only two minutes? It's just not that complicated.
    1. Green boxes are for equipping passive equipment (attack/health bonuses, auto-fire weapons, etc.) Blue are for your active weapons. Anything that lists number of uses is a consumable, otherwise not, just like you would expect.
    2. It's not even unusual for two cities that are close as the crow flies to have geographical barriers. Deal with it?
    3. You can see a city's supply/demand by clicking on it on the map.
    4. The lost animal quests generally tell you where they are last seen. Often they've moved to the next town over, although I'm not sure if it's a function of how long you wait. Honestly, this game is really simple. It doesn't need a 100 page instruction book.
  15. Moocow

    Moocow Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2014
    Did you post those answers after playing the game for several hours? Lay off the elitist attitude. How the hell are new players supposed to know what the colors stand for? Magically we're supposed to know one is passive the other is active? And anyone in their right mind would think that an orb that costs 1000g would be a PERMANENT weapon, when the income earned in the beginning of th game is so little, duh. And a magic staff that only has 3 uses? I'm not sure what game you came from but in 99.99% of games I've played, stages/wands are NOT consumables, and you're finding it surprising I'm asking to confirm it? Ffs.
  16. Quoad

    Quoad Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2015
    Tbf, I did think this bit was somewhere in the tutorial. Perhaps I'm mistaken, though (I recall getting a three-use consumable that I never used. Perhaps I bought it, mind!) And if you think *thats* outrageous, wait until you discover the 10,000 gold one-use nuke ;)

    Would fully agree that colours need clarifying. At the outset of the game, I didn't understand the blue / green distinction. And even thought that blue and green cells were the only ones I could carry *anything* in.

    It took a piece of captured loot (which showed up in an uncoloured cell) for me to realise that all cells could be used. Oop.
  17. dreadnok

    dreadnok Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2011
    I came here to kick ass and chew bubble gum I'm ou
    Well I'm glad I enjoyed the game before people started whining about everything and begged the devs to water things down.

    Once again the few will ruin it for the many ����������
  18. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    ^^ive gone off a couple times here on TA because of that...

    But I trust Touch Dimensions will do it up right... I mean, this is the team that made AD:Warlords... And after it's gone through some updates, it's still balanced incredibly well.
  19. HLW

    HLW Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2010
    I thought it said about the green/blue equipment in a tutorial too?

    I'm guessing this game works much better on iPad, as I'm seeing a lot of complaints about the interface that just don't reflect what the game looks like to me (I'm playing on iPad).
    - on iPad it works perfectly - there is a road showing you where you can travel. You have to scroll to see the next city for longer routes but of course all the cities aren't going to fit on one screen. I've never had to zoom.
    - on iPad the towns display what they sell and what they want on the map screen, so you only have to go to the marketplace when you want to buy. there's never any need to look round the entire map - if there isn't a town that wants the good nearby, then it's probably not worth transporting them.
    - there are auto weapons, just use those.
  20. HLW

    HLW Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2010
    Start at Huran (in your case). Talk to everyone there. The chicken will have a speech bubble above its head, no need to tap on things randomly. If the chicken isn't there then someone might tell you where it is. If not, go to a neighbouring city. Talk to everyone. Repeat.

    They are normally in a city near to wherever the quest said it was last seen.

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