Universal Wizards and Wagons (by Touch Dimensions)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by gamedboy, Nov 12, 2015.

  1. bleeps

    bleeps Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Mar 23, 2011
    It's not magic, it's part of the tutorial.

    FWIW, wands were consumables in a lot of old school RPGs from the 80s and 90s. I get what you're saying, they're expensive but on the other hand, this game is so different you can't just assume things work like other current games.
  2. ty2012

    ty2012 Member

    Nov 19, 2015
    Story Quests that got missed?

    What happens to story quests that we mess up? I have two examples:
    The spear guy disappeared for me. I skipped his quest early on, with the intention of coming back for it later. I came back, and the guy was gone.
    I messed up the wood quest for the Knight's Guild on Tesseret City (sorry if I misspelled that). I was supposed to bring wood from Cassapocca in 24 days, which wouldn't be possible even if I died to get back to the first town. I figured something on that island would have wood to sell, but none did and I failed the quest.

    Do I get another chance of doing these quests after a certain amount of time or during a certain season, or are they gone forever? If its gone, can a future update give us second chances in certain seasons or after a few years? What did I lose out on? Would the monsters in that island have been reduced, because my 8+III defense wagon is getting pulverized there.....

  3. Quoad

    Quoad Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2015
    a) some islands are total bastards. I'd rarely approach the Elvish or Dark islands for profit-based purposes. The wagon damage alone is enough to mitigate nearly all potential advantages.

    b) quite a lot of quests do this, tbf. I encountered similar problems with the frost wand quest - literally no way of completing it *unless* I only accepted it once the goods were already on my wagon. Iirc, 14 days to complete, and a minimum of 15 days travel - even with speed runes and a non-slow wagon.

    c) that ^^^ applies quite broadly to random guild quests, too. Imo, don't accept them unless you've got the goods on board or full well know they're reachable in the prescribed time. A lot are flat out impossible
  4. toochunky

    toochunky Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2011
    Still enjoying this game. There are other good profitable routes aside from selling mithril. Just takes some exploring and experimenting. I have a good route that goes through all the continents and is profitable enough that I don't miss the Alto Mines at all :) When it gets repetitive, you can explore to find better routes!

    For the devs: I have pretty much one weapon set that I use, but will use it differently depending on the enemies. My main request would be an option to put the weapon buttons on the left so you can change them with your left thumb during combat.
  5. flashsuper

    flashsuper Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2015
    I'm sorry but I hav to warn other people.

    Although the devs other games are on ale right now, do not buy them. They are unplayable. Game breaking bugs. iPad Air 2 iOS 9, cannot play these games. Do not buy
  6. byronbulb

    byronbulb Active Member

    Jun 17, 2009
    Instead of nerfing mithril how about making other routes profitable? Likewise the payoff for quests should be adjusted to make it worthwhile to do them. I am loving the game, but after buying back my house there isn't much to do except farm mithril. Generally the balance feels off -bulky items need a better payoff.

    Is Arcadia ever a place? I took a quest to go there and it's impossible to complete because there's no guild there.
  7. Quoad

    Quoad Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2015

    Massively my preference.

    Same for awkward shapes (need either a clearer "Tetris" loading of stock by sites, or better rewards carrying one or two hugely misshapen loads).

    Spent a day trawling mithril and ham to get up to c.100k, because the post-nerf prospect of ever trying to make that much off other routes was too horrendous to even begin considering.
  8. toochunky

    toochunky Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2011
    I dunno, I think part of the fun of the game is figuring out how to make tricky goods/routes profitable? It would be boring if all the goods were squares...

    I think it's probably possible to make ~50k/game year without going to Altos Mine, and I'm sure there are good undiscovered routes.
  9. Quoad

    Quoad Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2015
    I'd agree with that, to an extent. But there's currently no incentive all for taking on unusual shapes - all the wagons are square / rectangular (which doesn't incentivise creativity) and the shapes within given sites often flat out don't work with each other.

    Eg statues and stone, second village (Giam?) Buy one stone and there ain't no statues going in there!

    Almost invariably, the shapes on sale appear to be entirely arbitrary. That - or the wagon shape, or the reward for making your life more difficult - could be improved imo. Atm, it's like a half-implemented mechanic.
  10. toochunky

    toochunky Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2011
    I don't really agree with this.
    1. Salt fits very easily with stone at Giam. (4 salt + 1 stone = rectangle)
    2. If you have a wagon that's 7 spaces long, you should be able to fit two statues with stone.
    3. Most towns have complementary shapes, and the more challenging shapes usually offer an abundant single square item (furs+herbs, tuna/swordfish+mollusks).
    4. The Fort wagon is not a square, but I'd argue that none of them are truly rectangular anyway, because the real shape of your wagon is dictated by your equipment slots.
  11. HLW

    HLW Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2010
    I think it would be boring if all the goods were square/rectangles - trying to fit the awkward shapes in your wagon is part of the game.
  12. ZedHead

    ZedHead New Member

    Apr 2, 2011
    I have been playing for while. I am about 6-10 years in (not sure) I have amassed roughtly $200,000 (or whatever the currency is) I have the cool looking demon wagon thing ($35,000?). I have the $17,000 lightning rod, a dagger, the frost blast AOE, and a slow totem. I have completed all of the side quests that I have seen (there may be more but I haven't seen one for years.
    I have been enjoying the game but I feel as though I am losing steam because of a few things:

    -Assignments seem to not be worth the effort. I have gotten this far without doing more than 10 of them, and mainly those were bounties or investments. Most are impossible. Many will net about $100 when I could just trade any other item at a much greater profit. I am curious if there are better assignments after you complete a few, but I can't seem to bring myself to complete the awful ones that are currently available.

    -I have been around for a while, and I have NEVER encountered the red dragon. I saw in a preview video that the dragon was an assignment, but I have never seen it given. I have been in the city with the dragon dozens of times, but I have yet to ever see it. I would love it if someone coule help me out with this. Also, in the bestiary there are numerous enemies I have yet to see but the game has absolutely no growth anymore. All I have been doing is trading back and forth between cities getting more money.

    -It is tedious to find where things are being sold. I must have a terrible memory because I can never remember where particular items are sold and have to constantly scroll through the map looking at each city individually. At first I thought this was alright, I didn't mind, but after many many days of playing it is an incredible nuisance. There should be a world trading table that you can access from the menu or radial dial. It should be a table of every city with their details. You can zoom in by tapping on them if you want to see more. The table could also show how many days travel that city is away from your current position. I imagined this table being filled in slowly as you traded more with each city, kind of like a city perk ("More city information added to docket!")

    -Also what do roads do? I have upgraded roads nearly everywhere but all I can see it doing is giving me a perk when a city's roads are upgraded. They should decrease travel time! Travel time is frustrating. So many assignments are just out of reach and I have perfect roads between cities. Frustrating.

    -The wand of lightning storms is no where near good enough for it's price. $17,000 is a lot of money. I actually prefer the ice blast spell. It does 30 damage in an AOE and is relatively fast on the CD. Thge lightning storm has 5 strikes, does 20 damage per hit but it is very slow and horribly inaccurate. I find it to be woefully unreliable. It's price should be sliced in half, or its accuracy or damage should be increased.

    -How do I get from Draven to Huran? There is a path, but no road. Is there a quest for this? I have been to each city nearly a hundred times and have not seen a quest for this.

    I am an infophile. I would love to have more information on items and trade paths and everything. This game is highly addictive, but I have recently been wondering why I am playing it if nothing is changing. To me, the most important changes are assignments and trade screen that grows in info as you trade more.

    Thanks for reading my feedback!
  13. ty2012

    ty2012 Member

    Nov 19, 2015
    THIS! Please answer Devs :)
  14. Flatch

    Flatch Active Member

    Oct 30, 2015
    I quit playing shortly after buying my house back because why bother? I think I read the dev is intending on adding leaderboards/achievements... I suppose that would help extend the game a bit, but I think they should keep improving, balancing, adding content, and making the whole thing more random and replayable. As it is now, there's little to reason to start a new game.
  15. kirua

    kirua Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2012
    Been quiet recently, but I'm here reporting on the status of the patch + response to some feedback!

    We're supposed to have the patch ready, but getting the cloudsave, online leaderboard and achievements to work is way harder than expected. In fact our first attempt at cloudsave actually deleted the save file...

    Meanwhile we already adjusted the rewards for guild quests, for example, quests that requires you to travel out of the continent have much higher rewards and also more time for you to complete them.

    The profits for quite a few routes have also been increased and that should make trading elsewhere more viable.

    The Draven-Huran can be unlocked via a simple quest to kill the monster that guards the route.

    Upgraded roads already give a small movement speed bonus depending on the level of upgrade.

    The Red Dragon appears in the first continent and you have a chance of encountering it when you head for the town mentioned in the rumors, but we've also added a quest in the patch to kill the Dragon when you progressed far enough (the chance of the Dragon spawning will be increased if you take the quest), and there'll also be a festival if you manage to kill it.

    The number of Guild assignments you can accept increases as you help the guild (staying at 2 was a bug).

    + other content and balance changes I won't be listing here.

    The problem for us now is that we don't know if we want to delay the submission of the content patch till we get the big 3 (cloudsave, leaderboard, achievement) up, or just send in whatever we have that's tested and ready.

    I do feel that the leaderboard will be the biggest thing that adds replay value, there are two ranks that'll be tracked, the Networth of the player in their first year, and the highest Profit achieved in any 1 year.

    I know I'll be constantly replaying the first year myself to try set a high score, and we should have enough items randomised when you start a new game to make it an interesting challenge.

    We'll make a decision soon and report to you guys again.
  16. sapphire_neo

    sapphire_neo Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2011
    I'm really liking the sound of these rebalances, looking forward to the update!
  17. ty2012

    ty2012 Member

    Nov 19, 2015
    I love the tweaks that you guys are adding! I appreciate your response to our feedback. This is exciting!

    If it will take much longer to get leaderboards and cloudsave up, can you please send the patch to apple now? :)

    Also, if we email ourselves our save files, would it be possible to reinstate them? That would be a nice backup feature. Especially since a child (my nephew) could (would) easily delete my game save....

    One last question. Will this game reach android?

    Thank you!
  18. Rincewind42

    Rincewind42 Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Mar 23, 2014
    For what little it is worth, I would encourage you to submit the changes now, without the Big 3. I can't speak for others, but leaderboards aren't likely to keep me playing for longer. Further story content that gives me an incentive to grow my funds would. Things like being able to kill the dragon (I've spent hours trying to find the jerk and have given up) or trying out some of the new routes would keep my interest for a bit.

    It's been a lot of fun and I am happy to have paid my money to support such a great effort. I think I've put something like 20 hours in and have reached the point where I'm pretty much done with the gameplay (save for any future content/story), but that's a pretty great bargain for me. Thanks for the great work!
  19. Lymphocyte

    Lymphocyte Member

    Mar 20, 2014
    I'm really enjoying this game. I haven't used the Altos Mines / Quarren Port route as I tend to wander somewhat aimlessly (looking for monsters and completing guild quests) and have my house, one of the two 100k wagons, and am #5 on the wealth list. To be fair though, I think I'm benefiting from a bug where purchasing prices are constantly dropping. To use Altos Mines as a reference - Gems are ~25, Iron is ~15, Mithril is ~127, and Silver is ~21 (but they all sell at their full price when transported to another town).

    I also haven't been able to find the Red Dragon. Ironic since as I was so scared of the possibility of meeting the dragon early in the game. I did, however, find the Red Baron when traveling from Altos Mines to Phiskin.

    I'm having difficulties finding the following creatures, so any help would be appreciated:
    Dracolich (I'm guessing either in the demon lands or in the ice lands, perhaps near the skeletons?)
    Imposer (no idea where to look)
    Black Bear (elf lands?)
    Black Spider (elf lands?)
    Brown Bear (elf lands?)
    Brown Yeti
    Earth Shaman (desert?)
    Dragon Slayer (when I find the dragon?)

    Has anyone opened up Arcadia? I believe I've spoken to everyone in the world several times over, so perhaps I need to meet someone during a particular season.

    As I said, I'm really enjoying the game and it's perfect for very quick pick-up play sessions. My only recommendation for the future would be to make the continents culturally more unique. What I mean by this is that currently the people in the demon/elf/ice/desert lands are giving the same rumors about the same towns as those on the main continents. While the looks between the areas are very different (and beautifully done), the townspeople don't feel any different. Very, very minor issue though. Overall a beautiful and clever game. Thank you!
  20. kirua

    kirua Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2012
    The patch we've submitted has been approved by Apple, it should go live any time now.

    Of the big 3, we only managed to get cloud save in this round (if you're curious the reason we got stuck was because we were trying to implement it on two devices that was below iOS 8), but there are also some other notable stuff that I haven't mentioned here before:

    There's a change in Icon!

    The bug where selling prices of goods remain low is fixed.

    We fixed the delay when swapping weapons, so now you can activate a weapon immediately after selecting it, making it much easier to use multiple weapons.

    Arcadia is temporarily removed from most Guild quest destinations (there'll be a large quest chain there in the next patch).

    There was a bug preventing the Red Dragon from spawning and that has been fixed.

    We will still be working on the other stuff over the holidays, seeing how testing takes up so much of time, I think we'll target to release a major patch right at the start of the new year.

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