Universal [WIP] Fugl – a 60 fps voxel flying game from the creator of Melodive

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by gjestland, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. Marcoapc

    Marcoapc Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2014
    Lol, thanks for sticking with us BigRand!
  2. TheSilveryWolf

    TheSilveryWolf Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2015
    Whew, this game is really coming along. I guess one New Years resolution is to have it released this year (the first quarter of 2016). From all my comments and replies, I think practically everything I want fixed will be fixed in the next beta release. Can't wait!
  3. icoker

    icoker Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2013
    2016 will be the year of Fugl!
  4. Dear bác, mình đọc bài thấy có nhiều kiến thức khá mới, cũng muốn hỏi thêm có cách nào tốt hơn, ngon hơn, hiệu quả hơn hay không, hay chỉ dừng lại ở những việc này thôi ạ! Cảm ơn bác!
  5. Marcoapc

    Marcoapc Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2014
    Your suggestions are really appreciated! I'll be making a list of all the suggestions, we will prioritize the best ones!

  6. Marcoapc

    Marcoapc Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2014
    Indeed! We're aiming for a march release, hopefully around that time.
  7. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Watched the video, and i really love how well the voxel art is used here compared to how it is usually in games like minecraft. The animations are really beautiful, almost hypnotic even. And the ambient sounds... Wow.
  8. icoker

    icoker Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2013
    Feel free to PM me when it's ready for release, as I'd love to feature Fugl on my blog.
  9. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Thanks man, I really appreciate it! :)
  10. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Sure, will do! :)
  11. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    All the animal movements are getting a big overhaul, stay tuned! :)
  12. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    It's coming very soon. Thanks for all your great input, SilveryFox, it would be great if you could make some larger posts than a lot of small ones, if that's okey with you? And don't worry, we're making notes of every feedback.
  13. Pony

    Pony Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2011
    The Netherlands
    I'm the fox, he is the wolf. :D
    (I need to get my username fixed somehow at some point.)
  14. L@rs

    L@rs New Member

    Jan 6, 2016
    Some Ideas

    Hey there,
    finally found some time to write a little post about the game! :)

    First off, i really want to thank Johan for the opportunity to play his awesome game.
    I have never played or seen a game quite like this before and loved to discover the beautiful worlds
    that you created.

    Fugl is a great game, the unique graphics, the ambient sound and the smooth controls fit all together.
    Theres just one element that lacks in my opinion:

    Some sort of gameplay

    It would really add another layer to the game and would keep people playing.
    Here are some of my ideas:

    -Add some way to collect points, maybe for catching animals or for stunts like flying through narrow gaps or close above the water

    -You could implement structures like ruins or pyramids that you would have to find

    -The bird could have a nest with some baby birds in it that you would have to feed and go hunt for and some other small missions

    Other ideas (not about the gameplay)

    -Make birds that you catch playable (e.g. an eagle or a seagull)
    -Speed boost when you dive down
    -Deeper & bigger caves to discover in the Cave biome
    -Connections between the different biomes

    What i love the most when playing Fugl is to fly with high speed through the jungle and doing all kinds of stunts and maneuvers :)

    (Sorry for the shitty english :p)
  15. SamTheMadRabbit

    SamTheMadRabbit Active Member

    Jan 27, 2013
    There were suggestions about some kind of training mode, so I kinda began thinking about it and came up with a weird idea: how difficult would it be to implement slo-mo? Say, if the game would check the current movement vector of the player to see if it collides with any blocks, so that when it happens, time will slow down and the player will be able to recover in some way.
  16. TheSilveryWolf

    TheSilveryWolf Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2015
    Nice suggestion :)
  17. TheSilveryWolf

    TheSilveryWolf Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2015
    #1397 TheSilveryWolf, Jan 7, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2016
    Well, I guess I'll make a long post then (since j have time)

    Just a suggestion (and it might not be able to be put in there anyway because of controls) but I would love it if there were a fly in place feature. Of course, this is an arcade game so that might veer a little bit from the theme of the game.

    Another, more appealing suggestion is what someone suggested before: abandoned buildings. Or, not necessarily abandoned buildings, just more interaction. It's such a static environment that a player who isnt engaged with the initial flying (not me, I still play, but some people) will quickly get bored. What that interaction could be, however, is the question...

    I found that when a text message pops up on my phone during the game, it freezes and crashes.

    The save-your-bird-colors features isn't quite working for me...I'll go into specifics in another post because I'm running out of time.

    In general, more color would be nice (instead of brown and green); the mountains biome looks nice but the others don't have flowers and things.

    Do you start where you left off if you close out of the app (so that it refreshes) and restart?

    And lastly, I still think more low-ground variety things would be nice to fly around. (Did I mention this before? I think I might have. Sorry if I did.)
    will make the game really shine...

    This is a truly brilliant game and it has so much potential. Who hasn't dreamed of flying? There's just something missing that is really needed, that
    Ok, a few more things...(yes, this is a long post! Sorry! I'm trying not to spam posts and put all my thoughts into one...)

    I'm proud to be on this team of testers and I would be even prouder if it could not only receive lots of players but also make the charts. And I would be even happier than that if I could test your next game as well :D!

    Thank you for reading and considering all of my suggestions!
  18. coolpepper43

    coolpepper43 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Aug 31, 2012
    On the toilet
    This is going to be one of the best games of 2016. Any eta for the next beta update?
  19. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Sorry about that, haha! :D
  20. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    A lot of good feedback lately, thanks people!

    Just a small status update: Over the holidays I've been experiementing with one big endless level again. It looks pretty promising, but there is a lot of work to do to make it work. In conjunction to this I'm generalizing the biome generation so it can spit out more variety, both in geometry and colors.

    I'm also reworking the ground movement and wind system and adding a light rgb feature where each animal picked up will give you better stats (depending on what animal catched) and change the appearence of the avatar. So if you pick up a frog/rabbit, you'll jump further and an eagle make you fly faster, but also increase your weight.

    I will also make crashes non-leathal and work on the transition between ragdoll and a pose, so you can crash into the wall, tumble down on the ground and start moving around on the ground before taking off again. I also want to include fly-jumping (flapping while jumping), so you can cross large distances on foot fast if the local wind is unfavourable.

    I agree that the current custom color scheme is not working properly. I will try to make the coloring much more detailed so spots and stripes can be shown.

    If endless terrain works the gameplay is pretty much given as the terrain wil slowly disappear behind you, so maybe you need to escape a big firestorm (that maybe picks up pace as you play) or something like that and have to fight the wind and find windcurrents/updrafts that can make the journey easier and score is simply how far you can get. I'm a bit unsure of this idea as I'd like to keep the game chill, but there might be other motivations for moving forward also, idk.

    I can't say when I'll have the next alpha ready, but the current version expires in less than three weeks, so before that.

    Also down the road I'm rewriting the UI probably to make it more slick. :)

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