I agree. I like the idea of a relaxed mode (though I don't know what it would contain). As for training, the Oasis is alright and the Atolls.
It doesn't need to be real-time. It could be an option. Then all that needs to happen is the sun being the moon instead and everything going dark. Oh, and nocturnal creatures if possible
OOH! You should add a sky island biome if we go high enough! And an infinite option that makes it so that one biome folds into another! And-and-and... Ok, getting ahead of myself.
An option to turn off sound would be appreciated. Not that the sound isn't gorgeous, it's just what every game I've seen does.
It was like that a few months ago. I think there's too much data to run like that now. Also, nice to be able to jump right to the biome you want rather than having to fly around the world to get there. bp
The biome already fold on every side, it's pretty much a huge square that loops on itself, did you mean mixing different biomes together?
Totally agree brother! How ever we do want to create a variety of geography within the same biome, kind of like irregular randomness perhaps? XD
So beautiful. I am working on a voxel engine myself at the moment, but it is nothing compared to yours. I can't wait to play this.
INCREDIBLE!!! When is it coming? Never mind the jungle, the valley is my new favorite (and I haven't even played it yet).
Thanks so much! Glad you liked it. I'm not quite sure when it's coming out but I've been making the creatures for it... There is even a rare creature that i haven't shown anybody yet (you'll to look really hard for it) All the rare creatures might be introduced once the game is released, there are some really cool ones haha
So are you going to keep to the wildlife theme?!? Or are we going to see something else?!? If you keep the wildlife theme: Forest Swamp Valley If you are considering other themes: Farm (with cats and rats and farm animals) City (with pigeons and wild dogs and raccoons and other foragers)
It seems, with your new bird, you are going with a primal and prehistoric theme. Is that bird specifically for the valley biome?
In some articles I've read about this game, people are saying 'hunting' animals causes a speed boost. While I feel hesitant toward the idea of energy (which forces you to 'hunt') I'm wondering if you could add more to the concept of 'hunting', like speed boosts. Of course, I'm fine as it is too.
Yeah, we considered doing cities, lost civilizations and other man-made structures but in the end we decided to keep it nature based (atleast for now). Otherwise we would probably need to have a back story or come up with a reason why those things are there and if the humans are no where to be seen, what happened to them Maybe it would take away from the simplicity of the game?
OK, how about a ghost town? Those exist and need no further explanation. For the future then, perhaps...
Yes as off now, this bird is biome specific. The Valley will be more of an alien biome, the creatures will be biome-specific, I'll be posting some of the others soon