Universal [WIP] Fugl – a 60 fps voxel flying game from the creator of Melodive

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by gjestland, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. TastyTadpoles

    TastyTadpoles Well-Known Member

    WOW this looks so unique and beautiful, really excited guys!

    Haha hilarious!
  2. Marcoapc

    Marcoapc Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2014
    Yeah i have a hard time explaining what a voxel is as well :S Rofl

    Sea Turtles and Seals! Woot, more coming soon... :p

    Attached Files:

  3. Marcoapc

    Marcoapc Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2014
    Thanks so much Tasty! :D So glad you like it!
  4. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    #1084 gjestland, Sep 16, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2015 is out, but not for Testflight-users yet

    I've uploaded a new version to the website, but it's not quite finished and I would like some of my non-testflight testers to test it before I release it for general consumption. I've also planning to add hoved-mode to the current build before releasing it on TestFlight.

    New stuff:
    - Back to sharp voxels!
    - New camera control - see bird from all angles while flying
    - New steering: One thumnb steers and the other flaps and controls camera. Flap frequency is determined by touch area size of flap-thumb.
    - 10 preset slots for custom colors
    - Added particles to near water flying
    - Reworked bird speed into gravity setting
    - Fixed giant bug regarding first loading of terrain that caused horrible glitches
    - Fixed bug regarding incorrect cloud shadows
    - Fixed bug regarding animals screen while in the Volcano-biome.
    - Increased button area.

    The TestFlight build will be finished today, but proably not before 5-6 hours.

    Screenshot from the new build showcasing the new camera control:
  5. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    As Fugl is a work in progress, these things can happen, but the way I see it is that Fugl is no longer just mine. It belongs to all the dedicated people that loves it, no matter if its me, Marco, you or one of the other attached testers. I won't do anything to it that not everyone can agree on. Sometimes this process is a bit back and forth though...

    That truly is hilarious! :D
  6. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Thank you! There is still room for testers if you want to have a go! Send an email to [email protected]. Only 64bit iOS devices for the time being but I'm still hopeful that I'll be able to add suppot for iPhone5 and iPad4 some day (needs more optimizing first).
  7. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    18 final is out (uploaded at the site).

    Newer stuff:
    - Completely new bird model, this time based on actual bird physiology!
    - Auto nose dive when stalling
    - If you play music before starting Fugl, it will continue playing
    - Tested on iOS 9, no problems

    It will be available on TestFlight very soon! :)
  8. DantBro18

    DantBro18 Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2012
    Some sort of a glitch that I've encountered, when trying to move the bird when not flapping nothing happens, I have to be flapping if I want to move the bird around. Anyway to give control back to the bird?
  9. Marcoapc

    Marcoapc Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2014
    Have you tried tweaking the control settings? It might have to do with the one-thumb/two- thumb controls.

    Coconut Crabs!

  10. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    0.9.10 is out

    You asked for it, and now you got it: Perching!


    (To perch: Approach a ledge or flat area, the bird will auto-land if the speed is low enough).

    Other refinements:
    - higher resolution voxelization of the bird
    - nicer random colors
    - fixed some bugs regarding the colors
    - less clipping by the camera
  11. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Fugl is out!

    New stuff:
    - A lot of new stuff and polish regarding movement on the ground: Hopping from voxel to voxel, and up and down, no need to fly anymore, haha! :)
    - Screen recording in iOS 9 (60 fps supported, thanks to Apple).
    - More relaxed camera and a lot of camera improvements on the ground (first person view etc).
    - Smoother bird colors
    - Much nicer bird animation


    Oh yeah, check out this interview with yours truly:

    PS. It would be very good with some feedback on the latest releases! ;)
  12. Aravon17

    Aravon17 Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2014
    The perching is a great great addition! Thanks for hearing and implementing some of our ideas!

    Can't wait for the new 60fps recording option! Too many good flights happening to not be capturing and sharing!

    The animations are looking and feeling better and better!
  13. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Thanks! Sure, when I first got requests for perching, I thought it was a bit silly and disconnected from the core gameplay, but it's been the most requested feature and when I started implementing it, I came to realize it was actually a great idea. It helps establish the scale and opens up a lot of oppurtunities for gameplay. So I spent a lot of time on polishing the feature, but it's still very much a work in progress. I do love to see the bird hop around from voxel to voxe though. This is what's so great about having the development out in the open, I'll do stuff that I wouldn't normally do, and they turn out great! :) So thanks everybody for insisting on the perching! :D

    I have it ready, but there is some kind of trouble at apple with iOS9 apps, they just stall in iTunes connect, so I had to go back to strictly iOS 8. I've already submitted the next update, hopefully it will go live within a day or two...

    Thanks, I really think it's starting to fall in place. With the new bird model, it will be much easier making a bird customization screen. I'm thinking there should be use for all kinds of birds in this game, not just the "eagle" kind.
  14. jaysraptors_to

    jaysraptors_to Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2014
    Looks and plays really well so far! I really like the new pearching feature. I am looking forward to seeing more updates!
  15. popjam5

    popjam5 Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2012
    Hey, is it too late to beta test this game? If not, that's fine, but I'll definitely pick it up day 1 of release :) (I sent you an email btw)
  16. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Sending out now! I've got 500 more spots on TestFlight, and I love more tester. [email protected] is the email if anyone reading this wants to try. 64-bit iOS devices only though...
  17. ramzarules

    ramzarules Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
    yayyy perching is here!!! and it's AWESOME (will get back to it in a bit)

    1) Congrats on the new control scheme, now i dont have to worry about the bird rolling this and that way and i can just steer. Additional improvement : Speed up and speed down. it is NEEDED for nice landings and perchings, because so far, the landings feel more like luck/ skill maneuver than the bird slowing and landing naturally like it should

    The way i think you can do this is either with a) two additional buttons next to the "camera thumb" or b) much better and easier, make the "camera thumb" into a "move thumb up to speed up and move thumb down to slow down thumb" And have the camera control to the whole upper half of the screen. I believe this is very efficient and functional, if frantic action FPS games on ios do it and it feels ok (and i have played them) there's no reason it can't work in FUGL. PLEASe try this in a beta build and hopefully for all of us it will be a good suggestion.

    2) So, perching is awesome. so is hopping around. While i was hopping, i "caught" a mountain sheep" So i though, why not expand on this idea? Have items and animals that you can "catch" by running into them, collect, and maybe craft a nest, or mate with another bird, or gather stuff to build stuff, essentially turning it into a FUGLcraft like Minecraft :)

    "You wanted to play minecraft but from the perspective of a bird, in a serene and beutiful voxel environment? Well now you can" I give you permission to quote me, just remember me when you make millions and build mansions like mr. Minecraft ;)
  18. Sr.Watson

    Sr.Watson New Member

    Aug 3, 2015
    Stockholm / barcelona
    #1099 Sr.Watson, Sep 25, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2015
    Hi Giestland!

    I played the last version with the precision perching! Actually I played on my iPhone at Fugl for the very first time. My IP5 died and i had to buy a new Ip6 T_T Damn, these things are expensive... BUT, something good from it is that i can play Fugl now on my own phone.

    I wasn't following the thread lately but i find out about the perching by mistake. All of a sudden when i was flying slowly the bird decided to land! and i think it's absolutely great!! It's so relaxing actually. I love how the more you play the more you appreciate how subtle are the controls (I am using right button for steering). At the beginning i was moving the wings way to much, but after a while one learns to play with gravity, descending, and changing direction to control speed and perching.
    I made some of my 'animal hunting' just by running at them when landing close enough. I love the wing movements, and the bird standing or walking around. It looks beautiful. One of the things I enjoyed the most is challenging myself to land in difficult spots, or places I decide upfront.

    The 'cave' is particularly challenging. I found myself applying strategies i've seen in birds as a natural decision, like planning in circles to descent in a narrow valley. That moment is magic in a sense, and it shows how much this game is about the experience of being/feelingLike a bird.

    I love to hunt animals as a challenge, that is so far what keeps me replying after the first several hours of 'just' flying. I believe that the hunting is directly connected to 'user return'. I was already fantasising about a 'jurassic land' whis dinosaurs on it. Maybe premium? I don't know, this is up to you.

    I also like the idea that i hunt the animals I want, how free is everything, and not having the game telling me what to do next. I guess this somehow related with the success of minecraft, where one can do whatever wants.

    Great job! Giestland!!
  19. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Perchinngggg, as Marco calls it, haha...:D

    Ok, first of all, glad you like it, cause I was a bit worried what you would say regarding loosing the dual stick control scheme, puh... :)

    Yeah, I agree, landings should be a little less random, I'm working on that. Regarding speed UP, how did you find the touch area controls? Maybe they're not optimal, but I think they work pretty good after a while. I was thinking the the steering finger could control speed brake, but I'm afraid it gets a bit complicated. The other option is having one speed when holding the flap finger down, but that you can increase the flap rate by tapping fast. That would leave big touch area = air brake.

    It's worth a try that also... :)

    As long as it doesn't get too complicated, I'm all for it. I'm hoping to release this year, so making a new minecraft is kind of out of the question, haha... That will come later... ;)

    Haha, speaking of which:
    Screen Shot 2015-09-26 at 00.46.49.png

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