Universal [WIP] Fugl – a 60 fps voxel flying game from the creator of Melodive

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by gjestland, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. Maximus Prime

    Maximus Prime Member

    Aug 2, 2015
    Hello, been playing this for a week now and love it so much. Can't wait for updates with more features and story mode! Controls are spot on and so are graphics, well done. Please release soon. Right now onto my suggestions:

    - The outside area of caves appear more attractive.

    - The polar biome has less land and more water with bigger icebergs.

    - if you don't want rings what about a bird flying in front of you that leaves a trail and if you stray to far away you die.

    - possible survival mode where you have to eat smaller birds for hunger and also bigger birds can chase you.

    - possible race mode where you race with other birds and fly through large floating checkpoints.

    - Will your story mode be like fly for as far as possible with obstacles and terrain getting tougher and tougher? Because this would also be cool.

    - Dragons, Stonehenge, temples, large waterfalls, lasers, UFO's, rockets, fire-breathing power-up, wee villages with people, tornados, clouds, meteors, lightning, blizzards( for polar).

    - there should be more water effect when flying close even without flapping wings.

    -biome ideas:

    Jungle: Thick and sprawling with no sea but perhaps lagoons and waterfalls. This would be good for temples and angry shaman???

    Apocalyspe: wouldn't really fit with game but could be a treat for all testers (hint hint) with crumbling ruins, fires, zombies, disasters and explosions!

    Pandora: Like from Avatar!!!

    Badlands: rocky and harsh with lava and volcanos and basically no water. could have dust storms as well.

    Seaside: lovely beaches and docks, piers, boats and little seaside towns would be really cute.

    City: maybe too different but a nice futuristic city with skyscrapers. Maybe like San Frantokyo form big hero 6.

    Thnaks for hearing me rant and good luck!
  2. esty8nine

    esty8nine Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2013
    Hah a lot of those ideas sound too amazing lol
  3. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Glad to hear that you're enjoying it! :)

    It's coming!

    There will be wind that pushes you down into the terrain so you can't fly way over it....

    Some kind of special scoring mode is also coming. I've been experiementing with an arcade-mode, but I've disabled it for now. It's coming back in some kind of form, just want to nail the main game first...

    Thank you for your feedback, keep me posted on your progress! :)
  4. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Happy you like it! I hope to release it asap, but it needs to be really good first. It will take some time I realize... :)

    A lot of very good suggestions, I'll keep them in mind!

    Yes, that's the plan!

    Also a lot of very good ideas. Some are already planned like jungle and pandora, but I'd like to make a lot of them, so it's really good with input here....

    No problem, thank you for your feedback. If you get any more ideas, please do post them here, I would love to hear them! :)
  5. stinkatron5000

    Mar 23, 2015

    Sorry I've been so quiet during my test, I'm currently on vacation.

    I've loved the time spent with Fugl so far. The visuals are beautiful and were the main point of interest when I first heard about it.

    I really like the idea suggested above in terms of following a trail left by another animal as this would really compliment the organic look of the game (as posed to floating rings.

    One thing that I sometim find a little frustrating (I'm not sure if this has already been mentioned) is that the respawn position is sometimes pointing downwards to the point that it is difficult to reposition before crashing into the ground.

    Thank you for the opportunity to help test, I can tell it is a labour of love!

  6. EGVroom

    EGVroom Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2014
    Hey hey hey,

    Thanks for letting me test. I've had a blast with Fugl so far.

    Absolutely no problem flying at all so far. I think I've crashed about 5 times in my hour or so or testing (my bird - not the app). The controls are perfect I'd say. I really think you've captured the joy of flying about. Any more complexity and you might just leak fun.

    Lots of fun flying about with the seagulls, zipping through holes in mountains, and trying to skim the water to hit dolphins.

    Oh!...and I'm sure I saw a rabbit, or something hopping about inside a cave? Maybe I'm losing it?

    Only one bug I've noticed so far is birds just flying in place. They seem to be caught in the scenery or unable to path-find their way out of a corner.

    It'd be nice to be able to skim the top of trees too without dying (as someone else has said I see).

    A suggestion I'd offer is perhaps a non nature stage. I'd love to see an urban or cityscape one. That'd be fun but I do understand that's an entirely different kettle of fish when it comes to the map generation etc... Maybe Fugl 2 could be 'Fugl 2: Bird in the City' :)

    It's bloody good fun. Well done - and I can't wait to play more.

  7. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Ok, I'll give it some thought!

    Yes, agreed, I should fix that, should be pretty easy!

    Thanks for noticing! :)
  8. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    That's great to hear!

    Additional gameplay will just built upon what is already fun, hopefully no fun will be leaking, but good point though! :)

    There is rabbits in the game, but also frogs and a lot of other animals!

    Yeah, they don't excactly path find, haha. It's based on a boid implementation so they're just trying to match heading/velocity to nearby birds of the same kind, while trying not to crash into the terrain. They definitvely need some more work, like they should have somewhere to fly, like a goal point.

    Yes, it's coming along with the clouds, then you'll be able to pass through leaves etc without crashing.

    That is one of the ideas for a biome, would love to fly in a city too, but it will probably be in ruins and overgrown!
  9. Aternel

    Aternel New Member

    Aug 3, 2015
    Hello ! I've been playing Fugl for 1 month, and I like it a lot for multiple reasons : Fluidity, nice voxel graphics, controls and the fact that you're flying. Those qualities are what's making the game so relaxing in my opinion.

    I don't have much suggestions to make, but I can't wait for a story mode or something along those lines, and more objectives ! Also, is music planned for the game ? I think some ambient sounds would fit in really well and the game would be even more relaxing. I'll continue to play the game at night, and i'll get the game when it comes out ! Thanks a lot for the invitation, my family also likes Fugl and plays it often.
  10. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Thanks for checking in, very happy that you're liking it! :)

    Music is planned, each biome will have it's own ambience and a music variant based off the main theme fitting for that biome. I'm very curious to know the age of your kid(s) and their impressions of the game. I want it to be a family game for sure, something relaxing and non violent that everybody can enjoy, regardless of age.
  11. Sr.Watson

    Sr.Watson New Member

    Aug 3, 2015
    Stockholm / barcelona
    New fan Here!!

    I've just registered to TA Forun to say how good and promising this game is. I had the chance to play for a while with a friend's iPhone, since i have an iPhone5, and all i can say is that the experience playing is worderful. I love it already.

    There are two things i am really looking forward: 1. IP5 support, so I can keep playing :D:D 2. Which game modes are you going to develope. I would suggest to make a lot of experiemntations and trial and error to discover, more than decide, which should be the gameplay or modes that connect with the audience.

    Fugl is a super beautiful game and a mesmerizing flying experience. Now it needs to be drug level addictive! Build the mechanics to get us to play over and over and over again.

    My suggestion would be to allow/build quick/ugly test modes to 'easily' test what is more addictive and competitive oriented.

    Looking forward to know more about Fugl.

    A new devoted fan!
  12. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Happy to hear that! :)

    1. Yes, I think it's possible, but for now it's much easier to not worry about it.
    2. I'm following your recipe to the letter, have already tried a lot of stuff, and I will continue to do so. But now my main focus now is doing the "story mode" which means finishing up all the content and making the different biomes as good as possible. Afterwards I will try experiment with different specialty modes, there has been a lot of good ideas in this thread!

    Hehe, I always thought it was funny that "addiction" is a positive word when it comes to games... :D

    I'll do just that. I'm developing this game with everybod who want to contribute with their ideas/feedback. Already has the testing done so much good for the game, so I'm very commited to keep doing that!
  13. -Ad-

    -Ad- Active Member

    Jan 27, 2014
    This game is so promising! :)

    I was fascinated by screenshots and videos I could see on Twitter recently.
    I was so happy to download the alpha version 4 days ago!

    It takes a few tries to get used to the controls
    But it's actually pretty smart, it feels natural after a little while.

    This game really has a good potential.

    Now I guess it's critical to add actual goals, levels, progression...etc
    I can't wait to see how this will be integrated. :)

    I recorded a quick video when I started to get used to the controls:

  14. Rokakku

    Rokakku Member

    Jun 18, 2015
    I have an idea to make the dark cave region more, I'm not sure how to say, dimensional maybe? Anyway as you can see when playing if you are just coasting along the terrain it can be flat if your not exploring underground. You could add tall very thin spires with big bird nests at the top with pterodactyl eggs. If you fly into the egg just like the collectible birds it gives you a boost fast enough to flee the mother pterodactyl. Enough to get you to the next spire for a boost or to escape underground. If you miss the egg then well... The pterodactyl hits you making you explode into pixels. It would make the region feel full and active in an empty part.

    Just a thought. Thank you.
  15. Rokakku

    Rokakku Member

    Jun 18, 2015
    #955 Rokakku, Aug 4, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2015
    Saw an Orca flopping on a sheet of ice. So funny I need to capture a clip of that.

    Also an idea for breaking during flight. Perhaps quickly double tapping. I've practiced double tapping a couple times and seems easy and smooth enough if it were an actual mechanic.
  16. cadillackills

    cadillackills Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2015
    I cannot stop playing this game, the most relaxing, simple,beautiful time I've had with a game since journey. I actually had an idea for a sky rim/mine craft exploration with optional races, quests, maybe combat and crafting.

    I'll tell you one thing I could test pilot this and smile just with the demo forever.

    Maybe mfi experimentation with landing...?
  17. Rokakku

    Rokakku Member

    Jun 18, 2015
    As you'd like to add challengers like tornadoes and such. In the polar region an avalanche maybe?
  18. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Yes, me too! ;)

    Very nice video, always fun to watch other people play, thanks!
  19. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Hehe, nice idea, very creative! I originally thought there would be wind forcing the player down into the caves themselves, but other mechanics might be even nicer, like pterodactyls for example. Or fire-breathing dragons, idk... :)
  20. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    I'm going to experiment with a feature in iOS 8 that tells me how big the touch-area of each finger is. If it's very large (thumbs flat down on the screen), I can enable air brakes with it. It's worth a try. Double tapping could also be used, but if there is a boost system, I might use it for that...

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