Creating the wonderous feeling of flight wise, you've nailed it. Excuse my ignorance if you've posted this already elsewhere but the estimated release date is a whole away. What other plans do you have for the app? Like is there a log of things you want to implement or try out?
Yes, ideally we plan on having a total of about 9 biomes, perhaps a mode that has the biomes get progressively harder. We also want to add a custom biome that could be customized by the player and additionally have a bird custom screen to change the way the bird looks. Nevertheless, we're open to suggestions from you guys on other game modes as well, and even a story line? For the most part we'll have a better idea of how the game will look when all the biomes are set.
In the dark area that looks like Mordor with caves after flying there for a while it crashed and now crashes on startup every time I launch the game. Was forced to reinstall. iPhone 5S on 8.1 Game modes wise, I found myself trying to chase birds and catch them making them burst into pixels is fun to do but hard. A survival game type maybe. Also it'd be cool to float on water maybe if you land slow enough so you can jump up and get fish too. Then again are fugl's carnivorous? #
Lol yeah floating would be pretty awesome! We actually have perching on our list aswell, thanks for the feedback we'll keep that in mind We tried the hunting idea a couple of weeks ago, as you said it was pretty hard to do but it's not off the table yet. Hunting could very well be another mode we could work with provided it was doable Currently working on some Easter eggs, and to kee it interesting I'll make it a surprise ;D Have a great Monday guys! is out! I managed to get some work done during my holiday and have uploaded to the web-server. New stuff: - Fixed cave crashing bug - Added biome selection in options screen - Disabled aracde mode (temporary) - Re-introduced boost-collectibles. My working space D): I would like to have as many people as possible over to Testflight, so please email me at [email protected] and I'll send you the invite. Testflight updates is push-based and small updates doesn't require any review by Apple. Larger updates takes a day, but the frequency of updates will go down as Fugl becomes more and more finished, so it shouldn't be a big problem.
The parrots that give you a boost are a great idea. 9 times out of ten though they are positioned where I insta slam into a wall #, maybe a boost for any bird or animal you hit?
Same for me if for beta testing. I really want some sort of trippy element with sound if you can. How about the plant life grows and evolves?
Hey guys! Sorry for not posting stuff recently, I've been working on things you can only see in-game ... Out of the ordinary hehe, have a great week guys! I'll post the regulars as they get finished on top of the work I've been working on. Have a great week guys!