Thanks for the compliment, I still have room if you want to test it (A7 & A8 devices only as of now).
I promise that I won't rush it! I do think a July release is plausible though... Ok cool, still some tweaking to do, but we're getting there... It's coming in the next few days, it's going to be a biggie!
Could be. Sometimes that's true. Or just a very long period of time of constant hype only to produce a flop and disappointment. Been patient. Just saying, after all this time when this is finally done I hope it's really good, so I do have faith.
Hmmm, I tried this but at every stage the Time Inspector window calls the video 29.x fps. Did I have to do something special to get QT to record at 60fps initially? BTW I love the new experimental flight model. It feels better in general flying, and is harder to climb straight up into the sky from a dead stall -- but maybe that's more realistic, really. It is good to have an iffy chance of making it if you dead stall out, you know? I do like it better. bp
Generally I agree with you, but I think you're confusing me with somebody else. I'm not hyping this game, I'm developing it in co-operation with some very passionate mobile gamers here on TouchArcade, and their input is very valuable to me. If it weren't for them, the game would never be. Also, there is no need to wait to try it, as there is still room in my alpha-program, you're very welcome to join, so you can see what it's about. Even though it's far from finished, if you don't like the current state, I doubt you will like the finished product. If you're interested, drop me an email at [email protected].
I downloaded iMovie, imported a QT-clip with game footage and exported with prores, all in 60fps. Of course if it's 30 fps from the start, it's a problem, but it shouldn't be when recording from the iPad, I just double checked... I don't think there is any options for it. Strange... Ok good... Yes, I agree, it's not finished, there is still some problems with it like you say... I just need to know it's getting better...
Thanks man! Still need to implement mineral veins and some other light sources. Should probably be done later on today
It sounds an interesting process. You build a sample chunk of a biome, presumably, and then Johan takes that and builds a procedural generator for the biome, creating rules that render voxels in such a way as to approximate the features of your sample chunk. That's got to be the process more or less, yes? Getting the terrain generator to render all of those specific traits would seem quite a task to undertake. bp
That's excactly how it's done... It's a big hassle to recreate Marco's concepts, like you say, but they are very good to have, as they have a lot of cool details and a great color palette. My work won't match up 100%, I use the general ideas (especially the details) and do my best with it. Currently working on the mountain biome, it's going to be a cross between my old mountain biome and Marcos work. Hopefully I will have something to show tomorrow. There has been a lot of work rewriting the engine to support multiple biomes, but I've finished with that, so I think we will see a lot of different biomes in the coming weeks, or at least the first iteration of them.
Good show. I can't wait to see a new biome. I'm quite anxious for everyone to get a chance to explore these worlds at launch, as well. bp
Me too! Unfortunately I have to fly to Stockholm for a gig, so the update will be a few days delayed.
Nice job with the voxel engine. Is it custom made? It'll probably be nice if the size of the voxels are little smaller. Sad that this only supports newer phones for folks with any phone older than iPhone 5s Other than that it looks really good.
Cave Biome! A rather challenging biome, providing a very unique experience with the specific need for natural lighting. Hope you guys like it!
I showed this video to Keith Shepherd (Imangi, wrote Temple Run, etc.) over IM last night. His response: "Amazing" bp
Thanks! The voxel engine is custom yes. I'm really committed to a steady 60 fps so that's why the voxels are the size they are. I'm hopefull I'll be able to support iPhone 5 and iPad 4 before release.
You got it to work, great! What was the trick? It's cool to switch between 30 fps and 60 fps in youtube, you can really feel the difference..