Universal [WIP] Fugl – a 60 fps voxel flying game from the creator of Melodive

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by gjestland, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Check out Blake's video:
  2. drelbs

    drelbs Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2009
    Forgot to post 6yo impressions yesterday...

    So, I handed this to my daughter before church yesterday, with a small crowd of kids around. She mostly wanted to "fly crazy' and do loop-de-loops (which don't work so well in this game) so I took the phone back and showed everyone what was going on.

    Just flying around comments from crowd (4-7 years old, all girls) were:

    That looks like Minecraft
    The bird is different every time
    Is that water? Are you flying in the water?
    Look, there's more birds!

    We didn't have much time, but the kids seemed very interested in the game. I didn't let anyone else play as I'm fairly protective of my 6+ ;)
  3. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Thanks for taking the time. What a great story! :)
  4. Marcoapc

    Marcoapc Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2014
    Hey guys! Hope all is well, thought I'd update you guys on what I was working on. Finishing up the Polar biome rework, getting ready to start the Cave biome soon (I'm so excited for it!)

    Additionally we've got some more animations looped, unable to post GIFs here but they're up on https://twitter.com/marcoapc_art

    Have a great Thursday guys! Happy flying!

    P.S. Earlier this week Johan tweaked the color of the trees to fit the biome better, few better to get the new build if you haven't yet ;D
  5. ramzarules

    ramzarules Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
    Happy thursday and holidays to you both! i'm waiting for your next update :)
  6. Marcoapc

    Marcoapc Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2014
    Polar Biome! (re-worked) Icebergs galore :D

    Attached Files:

  7. ramzarules

    ramzarules Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
    looking great! i like the rise and fall design, with the pillars and the gaps between them! is it coming in the next version?
  8. Marcoapc

    Marcoapc Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2014
    No I think we have the Mountain biome coming next, but eventually they all will be in the game :p
  9. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Hello everybody, I'm back from vacation and hard at work with Fugl again!

    0.5.2 is out!
    New stuff:
    - Occlusion system for terrain so I can increase the draw distance a bit (up from 192 to 224 voxels)
    - Nicer fog (more gradual transition when terrain appears and less fog around Fugl)
    - Shadow is back (disappeared when I introduced the fishes because of a stupid bug)
    - New experimental flight model (33 % less drag, 20 % more lift, 50 % better conservation of energy, more natural feel)

    I'm beginning work on the different biomes now, but it will be a big rewrite to make it happen, as the current system only supports one biome at a time... A little bit about what I have planned:

    Each biome will be 2048 voxels long, and there will be short transition between them. When a biome is created, it will be saved to disk and loaded when needed. This means that the world will be persistant between playing sessions, and that I can reload your current progress when the app is purged out of memory if you run som other apps in the middle of a session. It also means that I can get rid of the fog that appears when you go the "wrong" way, a big win in my book.

    The game will have a story mode where each biome appears once and there will be an end-biome that you have to get though, imagine it a bit like the trench-run in Star Wars: A New Hope, first some easy biomes, then harder and harder ones, and lastly an extremely hard one, basically a "kill screen". With 10 biomes of 2048 voxels each, the world will be about 20 km long, a distance you will need at least 10 minutes to travel. If you make it, you beat the game and your time is submitted to the leaderboards. Of course there will also be an endless mode also (maybe unlocked when beating the game?) with scoring based on distance and a free flight-mode with no scoring at all.

    Sounds good? I'm very open to suggestions before I start implementing this... :)

    In other news, the presentation I made for the grant-people went really well, so I'm hoping to get some money. This means that I can really focus on the sound side from now on, a bit earlier than anticipated, so hopefully there will be audio in the game soonish. I want to give a special thanks to Ramzarules and Blakespot as I used some of your statements in the presentation and it worked really well! I will recieve a yes or no by the end of the month on the grant money, I'll keep you posted, but I just wanted so say thanks for the support, it really means a lot! :)
  10. ramzarules

    ramzarules Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
    Welcome back! First of all i'm glad that the presentation went well, i hope you get the fund, and especially glad if i contributed in a small part for it! The only thing i would want in return, is please keep the dragon simulator in the back of your mind for some point (i saw ANOTHER one today on the appstore, horrible as usual) :D

    Other than that, glad to see you back here, downloading the new version.
    As for comments on the above, i would add: What about Missions with Unlockables? Ie.

    "Glide 300 meters", "Perform a loop de loop" "Go through 10 holes in one flight" etc -> unlocks some different shapes you can play as? A different Fugl? or other birds? Would this be at all possible? I am a big sucker for unlockables/ some sort of progression/reward :)
  11. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Sure, I'll keep the dragon sim in mind, I think it's a great idea... :)

    Unlockable birds is something we want in the game, but I'm a bit unsure of the implementation. Missions could be a good idea to add some additional gameplay value, but we're trying to make Fugl a special game, so I'm wary of all the mobile gaming tropes. But I'm not ruling it out just yet, I just need to see the finished game first, as originally intended... Achievements might be another way of doing this instead of missions, basically the same thing, yes?
  12. blakespot

    blakespot Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2008
    Blogger, Reviewer
    Alexandria, VA (USA)
    #612 blakespot, Apr 16, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2015
    I made another video, this time I was trying to capture drifting along the canyon walls, slowly soaring. Very relaxing. :)


    Johan, please let me know if you'd rather I not be putting the occasional video out there.
    [UPDATED to 60fps video]
  13. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    I love it, so please do! It's good for me to see how people play and also you put together very nice videos. Do you use Quicktime Player to capture the video? It's a bit tricky to get 60fps video working on youtube, but if you export H264 from either Quicktime Player or Final Cut it should work. What's your setup, maybe I can help? (as I would love all the videoes to be 60fps, but it's no biggie).
  14. blakespot

    blakespot Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2008
    Blogger, Reviewer
    Alexandria, VA (USA)
    I re-tried encoding and exporting twice after I noticed your 60fps on the front post of this thread. I used QT to capture. Is the setting for 60fps there? After exporting 720p from iMovie at Custom bitrate (16Mbps) I played it in QT and saw 29.x fps. Please do help me if you can. I'd like to have these all at 60fps.


  15. bigrand1

    bigrand1 Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
    Geriatric Party Animal
    California, USA
    Man, at this rate I wonder if this is ever gonna happen. Sheesh!
  16. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Ok, I found a solution: Export as prores from imovie, open in QT player and export 720p from there, upload to youtube. Should work... :)

    Did you try out the new experimental flight model btw?
  17. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013

    The longer you wait for something, the more you appreciate it, so have a little faith and patience, will you? :) A big update is just around the corner (new biomes), and the whole game will be finished by July, if not before... I'm just a hobbyist, so my time is limited, but I'm putting in all the hours I can to finish this, it's just got to be perfect! :)
  18. ColinL

    ColinL Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    Jul 29, 2014
    Wow this is looking so nice, can't wait for it, thanks for making a beautiful game.
  19. ramzarules

    ramzarules Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
    Don't rush and give dates.. it's better that the game comes out when it's ready, than to give empty promises. And it's enough to know thta there are people working on the game (you guys) and people who are testing every version (us).

    Btw, the experimental model is excellent, it's the only one i use now. You got the lift after a dive perfect, and the drag around corners is almost non-existent now as it should be in my mind :)

    Keep it up, waiting for the next update! :)
  20. leeni

    leeni New Member

    Apr 17, 2015
    iphone games rock

    looks awesome in video hope game play will justify the video. Nice idea to represent but few more games are coming across that are small but yet one of the best games in market like spring ninja jump.

    Please anyone played some this kind of game or anything like flappy bird please poet links to me.

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