Universal [WIP] Fugl – a 60 fps voxel flying game from the creator of Melodive

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by gjestland, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    I have a splash screen already! Doesn't it show on the 6+? Is has a very nice "Fugl" logo. Maybe you only get black? Anyhow it disappears too quickly, but I fill make a title screen soon with an option screen. I'm thinking that the title screen could be overlayed on an ocean, moving forward, and the landmass rising. Like a flyover. It just hasn't been a priority, but I want to make a option screen soon, so I figure I better get started soon! Thanks for the concepts though... :)
  2. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Ok, maybe I increase it to two meters, but the point is not going under water, but not to crash as soon as you touch the water. It's about creating some leeway so you dont feel cheated when barely touching the surface. Also the point was to actually make a splash and disappear when crashing into water, not sliding along as it was ice. It kind of broke the illusion haha. I have not given up on making diving a reality, but transperant water is out of the question because of performance issues.
  3. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    It's coming, but not in this biome. There will be plenty of things to see! :)
  4. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Thanks, but nothing has changed engine wise, I just made a main canyon running in direction of the sun, so you always can progress. But it sets another scale, so that's why it looks so good! Happy you like it! :)

    That was just a stupid bug, but thanks!
  5. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Thanks, i'm happy you like it!

    That's strange, because I haven't done anything about it yet! But I will to the next release!
  6. amusing Grace

    amusing Grace Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2008
    Music, Muse, Magick
    Berlin, Germany
    Great update, the water looks beautiful and it's such fun chasing prey through the canyons. And i feel already getting much better at controls because of that.
  7. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Thanks, I really like your choice of words! Cathartic... Mmmmm :)

    As a flight sim buff, I actually started out with inverted controls, but I kept pulling in the wrong direction, so I changed it. But I will hack together a solution so you can try it out yourself. In the finished game there will of course be an option for it!
  8. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Glad you liked it! Soon the prey will hunt other, small prey and make for a more interesting scene...
  9. blakespot

    blakespot Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2008
    Blogger, Reviewer
    Alexandria, VA (USA)
    Cathartic, indeed. I am a big flight sim buff, and while I enjoy technically accurate simulation, I might prefer flying through whimsical, other worldly landscapes - this is what caught my attention in Fugl. I could just fly around for hours, even if hunting wasn't part of it. I also enjoy the voxel aesthetic, though I'm not sure strictly speaking Fugl is using voxels or not. I enjoyed a number of airplane and heli sims that used voxels to good effect in the '90s.

    I'm glad to hear there will be an inverted controls option in final, and assumed there would be, really. Don't go out of your way to enable early for my benefit, unless testing / feedback is valuable at this early point.

    The performance, so far, is excellent on iPad Air 2 and iPhone 6.


  10. blakespot

    blakespot Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2008
    Blogger, Reviewer
    Alexandria, VA (USA)
    I am curious - are you using Metal, here?

  11. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Fugl is basically about the joy of flying and my frustration in the tradiotion of flight sims. I never understood the technical obsession, I always wanted to fly close to the ground, but the ground was always so boring! To have a sensation of speed, you need stuff zipping past real close, all of the time... :)

    You're probably thinking of the Novalogic series of sims. That is old-school, hehe. They actually never used voxels per se, but ray-casting of heightfields, which can't have overhangs, caves etc. My engine is a true voxel engine (even though the voxels are rendered as triangles), and I can't think of any other flight sims with this tech, can you?

    I've already made a dirty hack. If you reinstall from the web-page, and touch the screen within 1,5 seconds after it turning blue (when the splash screen goes away), then you'll get inverted Y controls... Check it out and report back please! :)
  12. blakespot

    blakespot Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2008
    Blogger, Reviewer
    Alexandria, VA (USA)
    I have been loving Fugl and find soaring through the biomes extremely relaxing. I've been doing more soaring than hunting so far. And in the absence of audio, an album I've long enjoyed began playing in my mind every time I took flight. That album is 'Spirit of the Canyon' by Ah Nee Mah (2001).

    The album was made with the Grand Canyon in the American southwest in mind. I purchased it on my first visit to Sedona, Arizona and it became a sort of soundtrack to the place, for me. Driving through the landscape, ballooning over the buttes, hiking the canyons. It fits perfectly with the manner in which Fugl registers in my mind. I now play the album in the background every time I play the "game."

    Here's a link to the album in Amazon, if anyone wants to give it a try.

    I'd also be curious to hear what music you folks might be pairing with this one.

    Cheers. Happy soaring.

  13. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    No, I switched to opengl es 3.0. I want to make the switch to Metal at some point, but will probably need some help, as it's so foreign with it's C++ structure and low level API. I basically program in C, never could get the hang of object oriented programmin, hehe... I'm just a hobbyist, not a real programmer, but I like graphics programming.
  14. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Great with some musical references. Each biome will have a slightly different track, or version of the main track, haven't decided yet. But every biome will have a very distinct sound. I'm starting sound production very soon, I have a guy already for this and it's good to give him some references...

    The canyon-biome is very inspired by The narrows in Zion national park btw, which I loved hiking... But we've got a lot of other cool biomes planned also...

    I'm also starting to implement a wind model, with wind pushing from behind and generating lift and turbulence depending on the terrain. A little wind makes the whole experience a lot more immersive. Later I will add thermals also, but that's a little further down the road...
  15. fabianb

    fabianb Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2014
    I use a iPhone 5s and I never got a splash screen. When I start the app, the screen is first white, then the bird appears, and after that the world becomes visible. But never saw a splash screen :p
  16. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Ok, i've fixed the bug! I'm not that good at replicating it, so please verify! It's live now at the webpage.
  17. chimpman252

    chimpman252 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2012
    Front Staff at Chinese Restaurant
    Wonderful! I haven't been able to replicate it anymore either, so I think you squashed the bug!

    Huh, I'm seeing the splash screen just fine on my 6 Plus. As you stated before though, I wish the splash screen stayed up a little while longer to give the terrain enough time to generate so you don't watch it appear in front of you.
  18. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Ok, I fixed the splash screen, you can reinstall from the webpage.
  19. gjestland

    gjestland Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Good to hear, I hate bugs like that...

    Yes, I tried to make it stay longer, but it didn't quite work, but I'll make it work... Not today though... :)
  20. blakespot

    blakespot Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2008
    Blogger, Reviewer
    Alexandria, VA (USA)
    Three hours soaring today.


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