Universal [WIP] Dungelot : Shattered Lands

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Pixeye, May 4, 2015.

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  1. Galvaude

    Galvaude Active Member

    Jan 31, 2015
    #221 Galvaude, Dec 10, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2015
    Edit: nevermind fixed it
  2. aconfusedkender

    aconfusedkender Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    Oil & Gas
    Kendermore, Ansalon
    About the items at the end of the level?

    They are sold for gold if you look at where the gold collected is they pop up one by one and you get money for each held item.

    About the gems you find?

    If I can take a shot in the dark on it. I think they are permanent stat boosts but could be really wrong. Red being health

    I will say this that you know randomly when you have a thing pop up when switching floors. Your decisions do matter. For instance, I had a thing pop up and since I had 2 healing potions I gave one to the guy and got a 2 HP permanent star increase. A couple Floors later I found the same thing again and got 2 more HP. I beat that map with 2 hp left lol love it
  3. vectorarchitekt

    vectorarchitekt Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    Thank you for the invite. Been playing and so far all runs smoothly.
    All I can think of is that despite the fact that this game looks gorgeous, there really was nothing wrong with Dungelot 2 that couldn't have been tweaked to make it as good as this.
    But, nonetheless great job, will post any bugs if I find any.
    Is it safe to say that this version is pretty close to final in terms of play and looks?
  4. sirreindeer

    sirreindeer New Member

    Dec 10, 2015
  5. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I don't notice any of the items being sold at the end of a game I get nothing it just shows the items at the end. I'm not keen on this whole food and starving thing...sometimes I use to not clear every tile but it seems you need to now for food but even clearing everything and surviving I still die from starving as not enough food was given out.
  6. slewis7

    slewis7 Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2011
    Houston, TX
    This is by the far the best Dungelot game. It is fantastic!
  7. aconfusedkender

    aconfusedkender Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    Oil & Gas
    Kendermore, Ansalon
    I like it. I think it's a nice touch to the game IMO. You find enough food on 90% of your journeys I'd say. Plus just go to the mansion and buy the food upgrade thingy. Also there was a "quest" that pops up after the first level where you can help the scarecrow council and if you do it right they give you starting food every dungeon run. It opens up alot once you unlock the shrine.

    Also on the main map click around the little tiles and you can find gold and stuff if you'll aren't doing it. To my knowledge you can only get it once but there's freebies out there if you look.
  8. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Thanks for the tip about clicking around the map and I have noticed now my gold total rises at the end of a game which I assume is from selling my items at the end.

    Wondering what you guys spend your gold on? I just spent all of mine in the mansion for upgrades, do those work for all heroes? Haven't actually purchased a weapon yet though. The bow sounded good.

    I'm still not far in, just at the dungeon after the scarecrow, I'll keep playing although when the game releases fully I'll be playing a whole lot more!
  9. vectorarchitekt

    vectorarchitekt Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    Does anyone know how many dungeons are actually playable in this build?
  10. Roxton

    Roxton Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jan 30, 2015
    Beta Feedback

    I love how this game was refined.

    I saw Zebra Gamer's play of an early build, and I was worried that it looked terribly grind-ey. Attempt dungeon, fail, use coins to level up, repeat until successful. Repeat again for next dungeon.

    In the new build, that's completely gone. Coins buy you largely lateral (and clever!) weapon/armor upgrades, plus a limited set of significant-yet-not-game-changing perks at the manor. The shrine blessings are affordable and give you a little transient predungeon customization, which is nice.

    I found the progression to be quite clean with the Paladin, straight up to the second-to-last dungeon. (I intend to finish, but I thought it was high time I gave feedback.) Most dungeons required more than one attempt, but failed attempts generally got pretty close to the end. I'd call it a pretty well-balanced challenge. I found the mix of creature traits and dungeon events to be great fun.

    Bugs & Issues:

    Didn't have many crashes until Act 3. Then I couldn't get through a dungeon without several.
    Usually, it would happen when I'd try to cast a spell - stun or holy light. It happened three times in a row when casting on an Anoobis, although it happened with scarabs too.

    Before Act 3, I only recall one crash. According to my notes, it happened while loading the Orcish *squint* asylum? Sorry, Orcish something. It was before the first level began.

    Autosave recovery:
    Autosave recovery is weird. (Whether due to a crash, a reboot, a kill-swipe, or the app getting bumped out of iOS memory.) You go through the hero selection process, have the opportunity to use the shrine again, pick the relevant dungeon, and *then* it reloads your saved state. It should probably just drop you in the dungeon when your autosave kicks off. If you're worried about corrupted saves, I'd add a "Continue" button to the opening screen.

    Hero Button:
    The armory and mansion buttons all allow you to return to the map. The hero button jarringly kicks you to the start screen, where you have to enter the map again.

    Weird hero replay issue:
    All heroes get the benefit of tomes. But pick a new hero, and the whole level becomes replayable. Which means you can get the same tome reward multiple times. Which is cool, I guess. It encourages replayability. But if you finish an act, you can't revisit that act, meaning you miss out on those tomes if you don't replay with other heroes before reaching the final boss. I'm not entirely sure what the intent here is, but probably not the way it's currently executed?

    Off-screen dialog bubbles:
    It's probably worth trying to change the gravity of character dialog bubbles if they're near the edge of the screen. The first time I noticed it was when I saw the vampire in his cage - half his text was clipped on my iPhone 6.

    Simon Statues:
    If you get the last match wrong, you can keep playing. I think I even got the pattern right after failing at one point? Don't quote me on that. Minor oddity.

    Scripted Battle:
    I eventually won by getting food until I could recruit a bard and veteran, making it a clever puzzle.
    But despite repeated attempts, I could never get much up in the way of structures. Wood gathering is super slow. How do you build a 500 wood outpost if you're collecting 7-20 wood per turn?
    Food gathering was similarly low, usually lower than the per-turn consumption rate.
    The stockade is listed as requiring 400 wood, but only requires 200.

    Human and creature spells requiring a free space:
    The game often doesn't find free spaces when there are clearly free spaces. This is great when your enemies can't summon totems, but not so great when you waste your Shift or Void Caller spells.

    Sheep block 8 adjacent tiles. If you cast Polymorph on a remote archer, those 8 tiles become permalocked.

    If you kill a sleeping creature, the "wake" event still happens, causing the surrounding 4 or 8 blocks to become permalocked. Happened consistently.

    After the first 5(?) strikes, the blacksmith mini-game gets a lot faster. Personally, I think it's too fast, but a potentially bigger problem is that it often gets jerky, skipping frames.

    Dwarven ingot machine event:
    The ingot machine gave me knives, but I don't think it consumed my ingot. Could be wrong.

    Bard weapon sleep:
    The animation on the bard's sleep weapon comes too slowly. I've usually clicked on the next brick before I see the notes appear, negating the benefit.

    The mood mechanic is pretty close to being awesome. I think it returns too quickly to neutral to be meaningful, though. I'd suggest making it a 9 or 12 point scale:
    {-6 -5 -4} worst; {-3 -2 -1} bad; {0} neutral; {1 2 3} good; {4 5 6} great
    Triple the positive and negative point effects. Each floor continues to deduct 1 point.

    Hero balance:
    You'll have to take this one with a grain of salt, because I only did a couple of dungeon runs with the non-Paladin heroes.

    Void Caller and Corruption seem pretty underpowered.
    I was intrigued by Song of War until I realized that it didn't give you additional attack points beyond the first as you cleared the level. Moreover, the attack point expires. An attack point isn't much. Let the bard ramp up the longer he sings!
    Pamphlet: The need to soften up a whole bunch of creatures is really situational. Bat Rush seems OK because it gives bonus health, but 1 damage?
    Dark hit: 2-4 damage with a painful drawback? Why?

    I wasn't able to make much progress with the other heroes, but I'd need to play them more. My impression is that a bit more buffing is necessary.

    Lots of problems with spelling and grammar. I was keeping a list, but got overwhelmed. It'd be worth it for a bit of polish to hand all the text resources to a proper editor. I'd consider taking on that role if you don't have someone in mind.
  11. slewis7

    slewis7 Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2011
    Houston, TX
    Tester of the year award goes to Roxton. Great work!
  12. vectorarchitekt

    vectorarchitekt Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    I definitely second that!
  13. Roxton

    Roxton Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jan 30, 2015
    One more

    Thanks guys!

    One more; mansion perks often appeared fully rendered when I hadn't purchased them. The cauldron in particular comes to mind, but there were others.

    Love the pannable mansion screen and the ghost item effect. Such a nice touch!
  14. socalledsin

    socalledsin Well-Known Member

  15. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014

    What a difference from the first game. I've been testing the new game and it's really great. I've found a few misspelled words here and there but no crashes or lag or anything of that sort. It's really fun to play so far. Definitely going to be a winner when it's released that's for sure. I'm going to test more and give full feedback in a day or two. I just wanted to post a quick impression.

  16. extreme472000

    extreme472000 Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2012
    Still waiting on mine ugh
  17. Roxton

    Roxton Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jan 30, 2015
    Unstack big items in store

    I would suggest that big items in the store not be made available in stacks of 5. In most cases, they're redundant, but for the armor-granting shield, you can easily gain 60+ additional armor.

    PS: A winner is me.

    Attached Files:

  18. LuxChristi

    LuxChristi New Member

    Dec 9, 2015

    So TestFlight must be pretty crummy since I along with multiple others have still not received our testflight email :mad:. Email: [email protected]
  19. vectorarchitekt

    vectorarchitekt Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    So will there be any endless option at all? The best part of the 1st one was the option to try and reach the deepest level for replayability...
  20. Grimmster

    Grimmster New Member

    Jun 1, 2015

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