Could you share your game nicks and score? It's last day of this contest so don't forget to meet this criterion.
Can't find your review for nick "Otomeheart" on US AppStore, could you recheck? Can't find your review for nick "bobzkgv_94" on Malaysia AppStore, could you recheck? Can't find your review for nick "XenoRedOnel" on US AppStore, could you recheck?
Ok, it takes some time to show it in our report. Could you also share your game nick and score? Happy Holidays, too.
There are some new ratings but you have to also leave review (comment) so I can see your nickname on AppStore.
Here are winners: #1: wizy #2: torikul #3: XenoRedI #4: SilentCity #5: ip4sweather Congratulations! We will contact you directly via PM to get details for PayPal transaction. Thank you to everybody for joining this contest and trying Monster Ninja. Happy holidays!