This game is very demanding in a good way, you need alway’s a clear path and you need to deliver in one and a half minute, meanwhile your brain is overload bc you need to remember 108 products and were you put them in the warehouse.
Hey people he he, this is a pic of my warehouse after 132 products. As you see I still need to get rid of two pillars and I have a food section and two weird shape sections, but I still like it a lot, see if I can stock everything by the end.
New warehouse pic now with 164 different products in stock, nearly finished now. To bad Wilmot gets fired after you get 200 products in, why not made him Manager of the damn warehouse he he, that would be more positive right.
@ROGER-NL looking very tidy and organised. How much time have you put into it to get that far? Yes it does still seem like a very odd design decision for the game it’s not exactly something that’s infinitely repayable as it’ll just be the same the next time surely?
Just finished the game, took me exactly 6 day’s and I think 12 hours or even a bit more dunno. This is my last pic of the Warehouse, got 196 products in, the last 4 just won’t deliver no more. The game was a nice diversion from the usual puzzles I play, and I liked it a lot, a bit stressy it is sometimes but it also was fun to see my Warehouse develop.
@ROGER-NL looking very organised there. Congrats on completing it, it sounds like you got a good amount of gameplay time for the price of the game.
Thanks ste86uk, I didn’t do very well though, didn’t get all the upgrades, came 150 stars short ouch ha ha, out of the 60 something delivery’s I made I failed at least 10 bc I didn’t remember stuff or to slow I was he he. You need great memory first to do great at this game, maybe the upgrades costs are to high, wonder if someone got all the stars, I think I will play one more time next year and do things differently, now I just went for a Supermarked look ha ha ha but I think I can do better in a more simple aproach.
Thanks for your comments on the game, @ROGER-NL Your screenshots were great too look at. I think I’m a bit OCD when it comes to organization so they made me happy. Lol The only thing holding me back is that I have a feeling this would be a bit tricky to manage on a smaller iPhone screen. For only $5 it seems silly to even hesitate but I’ve just got so many games in my backlog I couldn’t justify having another one collecting dust.
Great that you liked my Warehouse AKD ha ha, my parents had a Supermarked in the 80’s en 90’s and I worked there, I think it shows a bit, it looks like a Supermarket right he he, I loved the 6 day’s on the game couldn’t think about anything else anymore, happy to go back to normal puzzling tomorrow. I think this game is best played on an Ipad, but I think that of all games lol. Is Supermarked with d or t at the end dunno, think t right.