I believe that if it had a screen capable it would be nice i mean if you could turn it off or if some games were made for it but not every app on the phone I love my iPhone the way it is it would be cool but unnecessary
http://www.slidetoplay.com/story/friday-slide-will-apple-make-a-3d-iphone Comments here say that Apple would not compromise the fantastic Retina display for 3D. Finger marks would also make 3D look bad and fingers will get in the way of most the display due to lack of buttons so 3D would be mostly pointless. although cool.... But in maybe 5 years or so when all kinks are creased out of 3D, they will introduce it. Just look at the iPad, tablets were around for yeeeears but they did it right and it took off.
This would make more sense for the ipad, than the iphone. While I'm excited for the 3DS, the whole 3D thing is getting old, esp as most 3D movies are crap.
3D movies are crap. They are old to me and I don't really give a shit about them. I am excited for the 3DS but that is pretty much it as far as 3D gaming goes.
I say there's a lot more things apple can add before 3d. For one, ith iPhone can really a better camera.