I'm about to head overseas from America to England for the summer, and I was considering buying Cozy Quest. Before I bought it, I was wondering if it would work on the networks in there, as I know some internet-dependent apps won't.
probably there are people who live in england and play cozyquest if you can find wifi unless you have an iphone
Thanks Thanks for the help. I've heard it was a really fun game and I was hoping I could play it while I'm away. I'll go d/l it now.
I imagine it does considering how many people seem to enjoy it there: http://www.moopf.com/appstorereviews/appstore.php?appid=&urlappid=http%3A%2F%2Fitunes.apple.com%2FWebObjects%2FMZStore.woa%2Fwa%2FviewSoftware%3Fid%3D311325252%26mt%3D8&submit=Get+Reviews