Wild Frontier 위대한 모험의 시작, 와일드프론티어!100만 유저가 선택한 밀리언셀러 대한민국 대표 RPG!신대륙 고대도시 아르모카에서 펼쳐지는 영웅들의 위대한 모험을 그린 정통액션 RPG![게임… Free Buy Now Watch Media Details위대한 모험의 시작, 와일드프론티어!100만 유저가 선택한 밀리언셀러 대한민국 대표 RPG!신대륙 고대도시 아르모카에서 펼쳐지는 영웅들의 위대한 모험을 그린 정통액션 RPG![게임특징]* 사냥과 채집, 그리고 아이템 제작 시스템와일드프론티어에서는 사냥, 채집, 채광을 통해 모은 재료를 활용하여 레시피에 따라 무기, 갑옷, 방패, 투구 등을 직접 제작할 수 있습니다. * 3개의 클래스강한 공격력을 자랑하는 워리어, 공수의 조화를 이루는 탱커, 두 개의 무기를 자유 자재로 다루는 스카우터 등 3개의 클래스를 선택하여 플레이 할 수 있습니다. * 방대한 스토리 라인과 8개의 지역신대륙 고대도시 아르모카에서 펼쳐지는 와일드프론티어는 얼음, 사막, 초원, 화산, 해저도시 등 8개의 지역맵과 24개의 마을로 구성, 방대한 스토리라인을 자랑합니다. * 날씨와 시간, 실사풍의 디자인!날씨와 시간에 따라 몬스터의 공격력이 변화하며, 이를 이용해 전략적인 플레이가 가능합니다. 또한 나무, 언덕 등 오브젝트의 실사풍의 느낌을 살렸습니다.※ 원활한 게임 플레이를 위해 헬 모드를 지원하지 않습니다.=========================================The greatest adventure story, Wild frontier Users say“This game is awesome! The graphics, the music, the characters… I completely love it”“It is a beautiful game with a strong battle system, quest system, and leveling system”“The game has a nice setting and the story is very interesting. Characters are likable and the graphics are nice too.”“I find this game to have brilliantly detailed graphics and environments that are FAR better than any other korean RPG on iOS.”StoryThe greatest adventure story into the unknown! This story is about the legendary hero who accidentally discovers the new world and saves the continent from ancient demons awakening from trapped in the seal. It’s dynamic storyline won’t make the adventure tedious and the exciting combats against powerful bosses will stimulate your desire to challenge. FEATURESThe grand scale of story with various maps An exciting adventure story through an ancient city of the new world with 8 local maps (ice load, desert, grass land , volcano, submarine city, etc) and 24 townsHunting, gathering and item creation systemsGather resources by hunting, gathering and mining and create your own weapons and equipments following special recipes. There are lots of fun to make unigue items. Dynamic skill effectsAll weapon has unique skill and makes different effects with spectacular visuals. Weather & day-night system weather and day/night cycle change monster's power levels and combat conditions are changing every moment Three classesChoose one of the three different classes – “Warrior” boasting a strong offense, “Tanker “ harmonizing of attacks and defense , “Scouter” handling two weapons skillfully. ※ This game is English version of "와일드프론티어(Wild frontier)" released in 11.2010─────────────────────ALL YOU IMAGINE ALLSTARMOBILEFor more information on Wild frontier or ALLSTAR gamesTwitter http://twitter.com/allstar_globalOfficial email [email protected] Information Seller: Genre:Action, Role Playing Release:Jan 30, 2011 Updated:Nov 30, -0001 Version: Size:0.0 TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating: (22) Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal a great rpg game, didn't regret paying for it at all undeadcow Well-Known Member Dec 4, 2010 9,486 2 36 Houston, TX #2 undeadcow, Mar 14, 2011 Wha?!? First Papa Sangre, now Wild Frontier! I demand a recount. spyky Well-Known Member Oct 18, 2010 567 0 0 #3 spyky, Mar 14, 2011 noooooooooooooooooooo and I haven't even played finish since i bought it. But yeah, great RPG, great graphics. undeadcow Well-Known Member Dec 4, 2010 9,486 2 36 Houston, TX #4 undeadcow, Mar 14, 2011 They're doing this to promote Croisen but I couldn't find information about Croisen so started a speculation thread in the upcoming games forum. backtothis im in ur base killin ur d00dz Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze Jul 13, 2009 13,249 1 0 college student (junior) Houston/Austin, TX https://twitter.com/back2this #5 backtothis, Mar 14, 2011 Nice, definitely check this out even if you're half interested in RPGs. This is one of the best KRPGs on the iOS. natejeevas Well-Known Member Mar 7, 2011 205 0 0 Student Not USA #6 natejeevas, Mar 14, 2011 Woohoo~ I don't regret paying it, so whoever haven't bought this, better have now. And I'm interested with The Croisen, is that... some kind of bread or what? Raro Well-Known Member Mar 16, 2010 232 0 16 Student NZ #7 Raro, Mar 14, 2011 Gah, I wish my iTunes stopped playing up and asking for me to confirm my billing information because I can't find my credit card and buy iTunes Gift cards anyway (but am out of credit) :| Game looks great. JoeyLP Well-Known Member Jan 18, 2010 899 0 0 australia #8 JoeyLP, Mar 14, 2011 I highly suggest all RPG fans check this out. It's amazing. g|eek Active Member Jan 24, 2011 43 0 0 Victoria #9 g|eek, Mar 14, 2011 This day couldn't have gotten better! Marcus70 Well-Known Member Dec 7, 2010 950 0 0 #10 Marcus70, Mar 14, 2011 Can't pass up a free RPG. Thanks! (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
noooooooooooooooooooo and I haven't even played finish since i bought it. But yeah, great RPG, great graphics.
They're doing this to promote Croisen but I couldn't find information about Croisen so started a speculation thread in the upcoming games forum.
Nice, definitely check this out even if you're half interested in RPGs. This is one of the best KRPGs on the iOS.
Woohoo~ I don't regret paying it, so whoever haven't bought this, better have now. And I'm interested with The Croisen, is that... some kind of bread or what?
Gah, I wish my iTunes stopped playing up and asking for me to confirm my billing information because I can't find my credit card and buy iTunes Gift cards anyway (but am out of credit) :| Game looks great.