Wii U Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by Jacob007, Jun 26, 2012.

  1. laxking97

    laxking97 Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2010
    They will be very disappointed. They should have waited til August, because until then, there are no games on the Wii U yet. I've had mine since January, and it's just been collecting dust. The most my Wii U gets used is to change the input on my TV, because my remote is lost, and I'm not changing the input to Wii U lol. My Xbox 360 and PS3 have been used way more in the past week than my Wii U has been used in the past 6 months.

    Hopefull all that will change starting in August with Pikmin 3, and continue on afterwards with Wonderful 101, Rayman Legends, Wind Waker HD, DKC, and Super Mario 3d World and hopefully others too.
  2. If Nintendo were to announce a brand new Animal Crossing game for Wii U to release in the holiday season and it was as good or better than New Leaf, then the Wii U will start selling like ice creams on a hot summers day
  3. one.sixty.four

    one.sixty.four Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2013
    just a simple question: bottom line, to you, is the wii U worth 350$?
  4. Gryphon

    Gryphon Well-Known Member

    Feb 24, 2012
    I've been thinking. Should Nintendo try and pursue a partnership of sorts with Disney?
  5. saansilt

    saansilt 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Mar 23, 2013
    I'd rather have my star wars multiplatform thank you.
    (Force grip, throws idea out of gryphon's head)
  6. Sure. You up for a drawing-based game with the Disney Princesses? How about a karaoke game with your favourite Disney Channel stars?

    Kidding aside, imagine how good a third Epic Mickey could be if Nintendo over-looked it? Epic Mickey is a great idea which was not properly executed, but with proper execution...

    Maybe with a little Nintendo funding, we could see KH3 arrive on Wii U...
  7. crunc

    crunc Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    Actually I think it would be way too soon for an AC on Wii U since the 3DS version is just recently out. In a few years, though, it will be time.
  8. TheEvilRobot

    TheEvilRobot Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2013
    I never really got into animal crossing.

    Can someone explain why people like it?
  9. laxking97

    laxking97 Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2010
    Only problem is people don't seem to like the console versions as much. The great thing about Animal Crossing is that you can pull out your DS/3DS and do a few quick tasks and but it away. If Nintendo could make only one game for iOS/Andriod (which we all know won't happen), Animal Crossing would be the perfect game to do it with. I bought my Animal Crossing for my 3DS one week ago, and I've already put 25+ hours into it. If it were on my Wii U, I might have put in 5 hours so far. That's assuming that I would buy it though. The Wii version (City Folk I think?) was not near as good as the DS (Wild World) or the 3DS (New Leaf), and I think it mostly has to do with the accessibility of it.

    Right now? Nope. But Nintendo has made it pretty clear that there won't be a price drop. They said that 300-350 is about as low as they can go, because they're including the GamePad which is $100+ according to them.

    In a few months, the price may be worth it. Assuming the games that I listed a few posts up are good, then I think my Wii U purchase will *finally* be justified.

    http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2013/06/kingdom_hearts_iii_highly_unlikely_to_appear_on_wii_u this says that it's being developed with DirectX11 which is only compatible with PS4 and Xbone, although some people are saying that DirectX11 can be easily ported, but I honestly have no idea if it can, and it wouldn't surprise me if they don't know either and are just saying things.
  10. laxking97

    laxking97 Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2010
    This is such a hard question. I have absolutely no idea why it is so fun. When I try and describe it, it sounds awful, and seems like a waste of money, so I'll let someone else answer it. All I know is I've had it a week, and its already my 2nd most played game with 25+ hours so far. But I honestly don't know why it's so fun. There have been a few articles that I've seen, but I'm too lazy to find them.
  11. crunc

    crunc Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    For the record, I probably put 100+ hours into City Folk and I had lots of people to connect to, so it definitely had a following in spite of what was said here. Also my one complaint with New Leaf is how they took out the feature in City Folk where you could send letters to people in other towns. Now in NL you actually have to be in their town to send them a letter. What? But otherwise it has tons of improvements.

    As for why people enjoy it, I guess you just have to try it. It's not for everyone, but I find the game so utterly enjoyable.
  12. laxking97

    laxking97 Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2010
    I didn't mean to say it did awful or nobody played it or anything, but I was saying that the console versions have not sold near as many copies as the portable ones. Based off of this website for GC and CF (couldn't find official sales on nintendos site) (http://video-games.findthebest.com/l/420/Animal-Crossing) which I truthfully don't know how accurate is really is, but it can't be too far off, even if it were off 1 million, it still shows how much better sales have been on portables.

    Animal Crossing (GC): 2,650,500
    Wild World:11,700,000 (March 31, 2013) (http://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/sales/software/ds.html)
    City Folk: 3,640,000
    New Leaf: 3,860,000 (March 31, 2013 only including Japan) (http://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/sales/software/3ds.html)

    It does alright on the consoles. It does AMAZING on the portables. Who knows though? Maybe with the popularity of the New Leaf, a Wii U version could do awesome. I just don't think it will do as much on the Wii U, but maybe that's just me.

    The 3DS had already outsold the Wii and GC versions before it was even out anywhere but Japan. That tells you how good the portable ones do.
  13. Gryphon

    Gryphon Well-Known Member

    Feb 24, 2012
    So now the big social media push with gaming is to get Nintendo to stop region locking.

    If you have twitter and want to help, tweet with the hashtags

    #EndRegionLocking #NintendEndRegionLocking #WiiUnoRegionLocking #3DSnoRegionLocking or a variation on the matter
  14. #294 Hoggy110, Jun 20, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2013
    I just found out I could get a Wii U Deluxe in NZ for NZ$200 (US$156)

    I can have a 3-month early birthday present, can't I?

    Edit: Turns out it completely sold out...never mind then
  15. K.D!

    K.D! Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2008
    A PC retailer here in the UK (can't remember which one) was selling the basic model for £144 as part of a one day only offer. Think it was yesterday though.
  16. Gryphon

    Gryphon Well-Known Member

    Feb 24, 2012
    Does anyone know the source of the rumors that valve is making a Wii U exclusive game?

    I keep seeing them on twitter.
  17. Gryphon

    Gryphon Well-Known Member

    Feb 24, 2012
  18. Gryphon

    Gryphon Well-Known Member

    Feb 24, 2012
    #298 Gryphon, Jun 21, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2013
  19. crunc

    crunc Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    I just checked the available now library, and it really is a problem. Nintendo's got to get those new games out. Having said that, I play games so slowly that I'm still considering picking one up soon. I will get plenty of play out of NSMBU, NSLU, NintendoLand and Lego City Undercover. My kids will want a few of the other games too. In fact now that I list them, it doesn't seem quite so bad. I'd get plenty of enjoyment out of those games before Wonderful 101, MK8, SM3DW, etc, are released. I have NSMBU already, so I'd start just with the Deluxe console w/NintendoLand and have those two games to start.

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