Why do people complain about the Xoom price?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by Scaramoosh, Mar 11, 2011.

  1. that1techguy

    that1techguy Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2009
    Personally for me I'm buying a xoom for the fact that when the product reaches end of life (might be a quick death) there will still be people making roms and making the device better then google or the hardware maker ever thought. i have 2 iPod touches and one being a 1st gen does not get anything anymore. where my phone an old droid eris still has a life even when the maker says it doesn't I mean my phone runs better on stock gingerbread then the htc 2.1 update that was from official channels. Yes android has a lot of catching up to but in the end its worth it for everyone, as competition just imagine apple is the only tablet maker and everyone buys it all the time now they could just jack up the price. I must say i would have got an iPad if they added widgets changed the buttons in the os (they look so painfully bad) and added a real multitasking system not just a task switcher(web os got that right) and a good notification system. also the browser on the iPad to me doesn't seem good enough for me as I like to have lot of tabs some times. I also love the sd card feature so when I want to upgrade the memory I can, instead of saving up longer for 64 gb iPad and you never know they might put a real computer os on honeycomb tablets as my droid eris can in fact get ubuntu which I must say is shocking based on how my phone only has a 528 mhz processor. I just cant do the same thing every day and have the same experience all the time it just gets really old really fast as a guy who loves to tinker I must go with the motorola xoom.

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