help me out here... is there something i dont understand? if i was a developer, i want the widest market possible so why are there still developers doing their thingy for usa only? even big developers of scrabble and tetris have gone international am i the only one that is in the dark?
Well, the majority of the developers are either American or British, and they're indies. Translators can be expensive, and not that many have reached the point where they can hire one without sacrificing their profit margin. Scrabble and Tetris are owned by EA, which is a huge corporation. These are the main reasons. And the ones that don't probably don't see much of a point considering the majority of the iPhone base is here in the US. You're only serving to a fraction of the market here.
hmm... still there are millions of iphone/itouch owners outside usa with people like me, who are very much at home in english so just release it as it is so unless they have to pay more to market it internationally it is just shooting yourself in the foot every day i understand this planet we live in less and less wont be long before nothing makes sense any more
So apple won't allow us to sell our apps in English in countries where they don't speak english? Ridiculous. i didn't know that
No, no, no, not at all. What I mean is, devs aren't likely to submit apps to foreign countries if no one's going to understand the text in them. Apple allows devs to do whatever they want as long as they follow their strange, unwritten rules.
I don't know how true that is.. In the US Store in Japanese.
There's no problem selling English games outside English-speaking markets, or in fact any games in any language in any market. For games without much text (which is a lot of them) it wouldn't even matter that much. The only reasons not to are A) regional contractual obligations (relatively rare and would normally only occur with big-name brands) or B) the developer making a stupid mistake when submitting to the App Store. Well, and C) an acute case of xenophobia, but that's not too likely. --Eric
When I submit my apps, I just submit it to all the countries, but I only have english. It doesn't cost more to put it in all countries.
As you say, EA is a fairly large corporation, but they have not released Pandemonium! to the Canadian market. Sony is also quite large and I am still waiting for Jeopardy! to become available here. There must be a reason; I just can't think of one. Preexisting trademarks perhaps?
eric so far you are the only one that is making any sense i understand A ie A) regional contractual obligations (relatively rare and would normally only occur with big-name brands) B and C are just senseless so how did they get the smarts to become a developer anyhow?
cuz most of the users live in US, and only they are ready to pay, in US is the biggest rate to make money, but in the rest part of the world people are just jailbreaking their iphones/ipods and only few are ready to pay.