who played Parachute Panic / PP lite?

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by Future777, Aug 9, 2009.

  1. farley

    farley Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2009
    I don't think a bigger/wider wind effect in the same one swipe would necessarily be a good idea, for times when you have a bunch of parachuters clustered together in a group and you're trying to land them all on a small boat. At those times your swipe will affect the whole group and you need to be able to make small precise movements to the group. A longer/wider wind effect on just the one swipe could mean pushing the parachuters at the edges too far, and thus off the boat.

    As such, -IF- any changes need to be made, I'd prefer to keep the swipe distance as it is, but to implement the ability to swipe multiple times, as often as I like and as close together as I like.
  2. farley

    farley Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2009
    I can kinda almost see what app-inured is saying. On the full version of the game it's pretty obvious that the randomness factor kicks in pretty soon after this seemingly predetermined beginning, but for the lite players, they might just see the seemingly predetermined beginning bit only, and not the more obvious randomness that comes after.

    Maybe change the lite version (and the full version?) to have a -MUCH- more random beginning, but to still keep it easy.
    Maybe have it sometimes start off with a small boat instead of a big boat. Or have the boat way over on the one side of the screen instead of in the middle. Maybe have two parachuters come down (with a big gap between them) before you move on to the second ship.

    Just suggestions...
  3. Future777

    Future777 FDG Entertainment<br />Co-Founder
    Patreon Studio

    #23 Future777, Aug 10, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2009
    I think we will add the online highscore feature to the next lite version. Should be easy to recognize a benefit of the full version when trying to compete with other players and friends but a maximum of 30-40 points, right?

    As for the multiple-swipe / speed up thing: I think we need to test this a bit but I also see the point that it could get hard to hit a small boat when you accidentally speed up shortly before you land and therefore hit the water instead of the boat.

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