Who do you think is the best at hating people for no legitimate reason? I've been reading about the WBC(Westboro Baptist Church) and I was wondering who you Thought was the worst. EDIT: Posted A Poll.
A lot of black people in the United States. Seriously. I visited the U.S. last year for a wedding along with a 1 month holiday - started in Seattle, Washington (BEAUTIFUL state by the way, simply beautiful & the people there were generally the kindest), then to San Francisco, Arizona, New Orleans, then Orlando Florida. Seemed like a lot of black people I met in the United States hated you if you weren't black. I couldn't take it anymore. Out of all the countries I've visited around the world, I've never seen so much hate in a group of people of a specific race than in the U.S. We know some black people in the UK and they're like everyone else, but in the U.S. - was very strange and by the end of my trip, I didn't want to even talk to another black person in the U.S.
I know! It's all right to them to act like gangsters and be all racist, but it's okay. Because it's "reverse racism". No it's racism. Don't call me a cracker just because I'm white. Do I call you an "N" word? No! I would never. It's even okay for black universities to be all racist & reject people for being white. If you're in a black pride group, you're no racist. If you're in a white pride group, you're a racist in a hate group. I think that's a double standard.
it really depends where you are at in the us. and every one in Seattle is pissed off cause of the rain. laughs.. i grew up in that part of the states, Oregon, and went to university in Washington state. chris.
Ugh I hate that. I feel like a lot of Blacks prefer the racial scale tipping in their favor rather than being equal. The abuse of the race card is everywhere.
Westboro Baptist Church is on the list? They're being compared to Nazis and the KKK? They're nothing! Why would you even put that on there?
Really, the only way I can see it leading to arguments is if a troll enters & makes hate comments. So, if a troll enters, don't reply to him. Act like his post aren't even there.
I think because they think soldiers are all gay & all our children deserve to be blown up. Also, they believe that people die to show how God kills people who tolerate gays. They also hate blacks, Jews, Protestants, the military, Catholics, Muslims, and everyone one else except the WBC members. They are officially classified as a hate group. And they are Neo-Nazis.
Ya, but I wanted to see which people thought was the worst in people's opinion. Which hate group they despised the most.
It's really hard to live with them here, especially the way the good majority act and treat others in a bad way. Sadly, your average African American give black people a bad image. Not being racist, it's sadly true. In happy news: I finally got an iPhone 4 yay!
Yeah, but they've never done anything. KKK has killed blacks, Nazis have killed Jews, but WBC has only SAID how much they hate them. Plus they're barely known at all.
I figured we couldn't have been the only ones who thought that. We all went back home and my mum went on a rant how horrible they were. Anways, for the most part we loved our trip to America. If there was any other place I would live than the UK, I wouldn't mind living in Seattle
I'm creating a hate group that hates the hates groups who hate the hate groups. Anyone is welcome to join