I realise these aren't necessarily the newest or best games out right now, but I haven't bought anything in months and these are a few that I really like the look of. Recommendations ? Thanks
doodle jump and/or F.A.S.T also Baseball Slugger 3D and Isotope. Your grand total is $5 :O and those games are probably the best games I've gotten out of like my 250 of them lol
@ TomFagan Yeah I've already got Pocket God but cheers anyway @walsh06, Stykman What's the difference between Harbour Master and Flight Control ? I've already got Flight Control and I don't really want to spend any more money if it's exactly the same.. @fluffyguitarist Baseball Slugger does look awesome actually, might consider it. I tried Isotope Lite and I'm pretty sure I'm the only person on this site who didn't really enjoy it. There's nothing to complain about, looks good, controls good but it just didn't do anything for me I guess
Harbor master is way better. Different style, more maps, wide variety in maps, lots of updates from devs. Just trust us that it's unreal.
Also in Flight control you have to just land planes, which is like docking boats in harbor master. But in the latter you also have to lead back off the screen. I'd go with harbor master.
Doodle Jump or F.A.S.T. Go for doodle if u like casual, but F.A.S.T. has online multiplayer Both of them have high replayability though
They're both great games. I'm surprised that Flick Fishing hasn't had a few more votes. That's a good game too.
I love posts like these, had those games you mentioned apart from Baseball Slugger and just got it for 99c and it's awesome
I'd suggest either Sway or Ragdoll Blaster. I voted for Sway in your poll, because I think it is a truly fun game. If you're thinking about multiplayer Galcon is the way to go.
I said F.A.S.T. out of the poll options, but I think ShapeShape and/or Earth vs. Moon should definately be considered.