Firemint and IUGO. With IUGO's signature comic style and cartoony-ness, and Firemint behind the graphics and engine, they could make the best kart racer ever imaginable. Better than mario kart and maybe even as good as the upcoming mod nation racer.
Pixel Mine(underworlds) & Moregames (idracula) to Create the ultimate iphone Diablo style game using idracula graphics and controls with the game system and UI from Underworlds. YUM
Gamevil (storyline, dialogue, interface) + Com2US (graphics) + Square Enix (popularity, storyline, dialogue, FF characters) = epic iPhone RPG
I'm all for you on this one EXCEPT for Gamevil and the dialogue... Grammar and poor spelling aside, it is still a bit cheesy. (Nothing against Zenonia, of course.) OR is it?!!?!
ngmoco:] publishes and develops. They PUBLISHED rolando and star defense, but DEVELOPED word fu and dropship.