Where Do Games Come From? Imangi Video Tour!

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by nattylux, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. eggrolls11

    eggrolls11 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2009
    This is the first family developing company i've seen for the iPhone (i think)! Harbor master is really awesome, hope you guys reach ultimate success with harbor master and any future apps! :D
  2. nattylux

    nattylux Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2008
    Washington, DC
    Thanks! We're definitely not the only family iPhone dev company - for example, Ian Marsh works with his twin brother Dave. And I'm sure there are many others I'm forgetting. Any other family devs want to chime in?
  3. Little White Bear Studios

    Little White Bear Studios Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Aug 27, 2008
    My wife and I work together to make our games, and our three kids help as well:

    Me: Design, coding, Photoshop work, QA, and public relations.
    Her: Design, QA, content (puzzles), and physical artwork that later gets imported into Photoshop.
    Kids: QA and playability testing.

    We have many a spirited discussion about look and feel, gameplay, etc. which ultimately makes the games have a better overall experience. It literally took us a day or two just to pick the piece colors for Zentomino.
  4. nattylux

    nattylux Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2008
    Washington, DC
    Very cool. I didn't know how involved Mrs. Little White Bear was, so I didn't want to volunteer her. It's nice that your kids help, too - I'm sure they don't hold anything back, which is always helpful :)

    And I know all about those heated discussions. But those little details are so incredibly important!
  5. Little White Bear Studios

    Little White Bear Studios Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Aug 27, 2008
    Yeah, she's getting more involved with each game, and will continue to so. She's very artsy, so we're planning to put her skills to good use. The kids, especially the 13 year old, do not hold anything back. Sometimes it's downright brutal. :rolleyes:

    I think they're a good thing. It means we're both extremely invested in the final product. If we don't care, why should anyone else? Plus, if you can get to a point where two minds agree on something, then there's a greater chance everyone else will agree too. Creating something for mass consumption can be dangerous if done in a vacuum.
  6. HJJ

    HJJ Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2008
    Very cool to see. I was living in Fairfax County the past few years, so it was nice to see DC and UVA get a shout out. :)
  7. astrosaurus

    astrosaurus Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2009
    Portland, OR
    Haha, thanks for the tour!
  8. Coral

    Coral Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2008
    I think this deserves a front page feature and an interview. It is always great to see the indie devs and how they work. I remember an old thread where a lot of devs had posted pics of their desks and offices. It was pretty good if anyone wants to try and dig it up with the search.
  9. nattylux

    nattylux Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2008
    Washington, DC
    Hey, nice to see another (ex?) local. Where are you now?

    Thanks, Coral - glad you liked it. I think a lot of people not familiar with the industry think that all iPhone apps are created by large companies, and we wanted to show that the vast majority come from very small indie developers like us. Which is why it's such a great and fun community and we love it :)

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