i dont know how to make custom icons if someone wants to make one for nova and the snes emulator and change the apple 3.1 to 4.2 that'd be sweet. oh and the padlock tap to unlock works despite the scroll bar behind it. and the modern combat sandstorm icon actually links to modern combat 2. i just dont know how to edit the icon and im not too worried about it. if someone did it for me and posted it it'd be very much appreciated though and yes the spring jumps at the top work.
thanks dude it took freakin forever to do lol. based on your name you should go search for the imario theme in cydia after you jailbreak your phone heres some screenshots of it
its called teknologik. it takes some setting up to do only took me about an hour. hardly any of the icons work though you have to download custom ones. its on cydia though. watch a youtube video of how to set it up here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CM-PvuMPwKY
I design icon sets and stuff so i could spend a day or two creating a bunch of them. but thanks. this theme may make me install winterboard even though its a ram hog.
and it takes more than just winterboard you need iblank, iconoclasm, 5 icon dock, liveclock or lcd 2, categories, and springjump
um I don't do things for free fyi....I am jam packed with shit to do for the next 3 days so Ill try to fit some time in between.
uhm. pick the folder named games in categories and make sure you name it games. make sure you set your springjumps up in order too. the springjumps ONLY work from the homepage. theres a way to make em work on every page but im not that worried about it.