I did an extensive search on good Cydia themes, and so far iWood Realize is the only theme that actually works properly (iPhone 3G, iOS4.0). Every single other theme messes up on something, either some text is missing, has horrible coloring (example, the Alit theme is wonderful, but why in the world does it have to have a neon-blue lockscreen slider that looks like it was done in MS Paint? And why are the dock icons missing text?), or doesn't include enough icons. Maybe just best to stick with blank theme... probably speeds up the phone too.
Most themes in Cydia aren't good. And most of them are for 3.x firmwares. In 4.0, Apple renamed/moved some images so that's why some themes are missing things. If you want a good iOS4 theme, check out Decke's iFlat theme for iOS4. Plus, it auto-themes AppStore icons so your springboard will be quite consistent.
Well, the dock and icons in the dock were made by me, so it's nothing special. The folders are from Mao iPhone 4 dbar theme (they may be from another theme, but I'm not sure). Then the two widgets are two widgets that I slightly edited that I found from www.dbarteam.net. All enabled through Winterboard
http://blog.mobile9.com/2010/08/20-shelf-wallpapers-for-the-apple-iphone/ Here's some shelf wallpapers to keep you going.
BTW I really have 5 pages of games. A Cydia app enable me to have a super folder with multiple pages. And I have more free memory than that. I was running safari and doodle jump at that time.
Its a theme that I am beta-testing. Its not out yet but its called iNitsua Z Twilight HD. But I also edited the theme a little.
Since I can't put themes on my iPod, someone should see what this one looks like http://freeiphone4wallpapers.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Broken-Glass1.jpg