The top 6 paid games are all $0.99. So many games are dropping their price Even gameloft is having sales. Is it just because the devs want to get all the new iPhone users to buy their games? I mean, now so many more apps are gonna be pressured to drop their price to keep up.
I cant believe anyone would complain about price drops unless they're in kahoots with some of the devs trying to help them make more money in return for getting free games. The quality of apps aren't gonna change, if they're good (like Real Racing for example) then no one will complain about a higher price. But if the devs decide they want to make more sales by slashing the price a little, let it be, its their decision.
exactly plus I dont trust any developer any more, their $6 game will go to $1 in a matter of weeks (or days) when they get desperate. People expect too much from $1 games now, they need to get outside and see how much stuff actually costs (*cough* $4 for coffee). Read all the comments in like Assassins Creed: SHOULD BE $1; SHOULD BE $3, etc. Its pretty sad, but you know that price drops are inevitable nowadays.
I don't see any problem with games being $.99. It's better for us, the consumers. As long as the games are worth it and fun to play, then I see no problems there
Maybe in the short-term it's better. Long term all it does is drive indi developers out of the market or forces them to rush games out to focus on volume instead of quality. "How will we succeed... one excellent $2.99 game or three cruddy $0.99 games." At this rate... expect more devs to choose the latter, imo.
I'm not saying its a problem. I just hope its not a sign that we're about to get ripped of with 1. Shitty $0.99 games 2. Shitty $0.99 games with DLC which should have been originally in the game I don't mind if the game is $0.99 and there is actually legitimate DLC.
Its also the reason why you see Trip Hawkins (D Choc) saying they are going to come out with 100 games over the next year as opposed to 20 games with more depth like Gameloft was quoted as saying.
I have a lot of quality games worth less than 5 bucks and crap games worth 5 bucks or more.It's the developers choice to make a game good or not with his resources. It's your choice to buy it. Don't blame anyone else for buying a crappy game worth any price since no one can make you buy it but yourself. And developers need sales to make better games. How will they make better games if their games don't make any sales? It all comes back to making a good game that a lot of people will buy and for a reasonable price and then they can build on that.
Sally's Spa and Let's Golf are on sale, so of course their sales numbers would spike. Flight Control, Pocket God and StoneLoops are good quality games with tremendous word of mouth. Spots on the "Top" lists are "sticky". Once you make it, you'll stay there for a while. These lists are compiled by sales data per day. They're not really indicative of anything other than that $0.99 are easier purchases to make. Notice, though, that the vast majority of the Top 50 have 4 or more (average) stars. That goes to show that the people are not sacrificing quality; They're simple rewarding good values.
The sales today can be easily explained. The 3Gs debuted at retail and the devs want to cash in on customers with new shiny iPhones trying to decide which shiny apps to put on those new shiny devices.
EA & Gameloft probably plan on releasing a new iteration every year of same franschise. With DS and PSP once though were off the shelves you couldn't really find them anymore once the new versions came out. Luckily it seems we can get them for $1 last years versions. The US is such an impulse society.
I'd like to think the 99 cent bubble is about to burst, but it seems for every developer who gets fed up with the limitations of 99 cent projects and packs up shop, two more take his place.
Agreed with deadweight, The problem for us, indie developers, is that big companies are kicking our back with this low prices, we can't invest the same resources that big companies our chance was to set prices a bit lower and don't forgeting in make a good game. This would harm creativity and the market, cause only the main guys will succed and can lead the indies to abandon development or make free games with not much meat in it. Perhaps an indie AppStore could help, anyhow all of this is business .. no? The problem with 99 cent games is that customers don't valuate the game. It only cost 99 cents and there is many people downloading 99 cent games and after a quick look deleting them. I prefer to have medium to long term custormers with a more reasonable price for me. BTW, what is DLC?