Good ideas, keep them coming. We're listening "Vehicles would be great for co-op (one person drives, another shoots etc.)" <-- that would be awesome, it was the thing I loved about Halo - when you step into a Warthog in the gunners seat and your friend takes the driver's seat! -Timo / the MiniGore art guy
Dark NRG: There's technical limitation for making the levels bigger, the reason is that we're already using the maximum texture size. But there's one solution to the problems: Looping levels. At first it was supposed to be looping levels like in Super Stardust HD, but it was much harder to code so we didn't do it for the first version. If you were to open the current background texture in image editing software you would notice that it tiles, so it's only matter of coding. -Timo
I'd like to see a better looking menu, and a character roster like Brawl for Wii. I'd like to see some Minigore characters, and characters from other games. Character Suggestions: Someone from Baseball Slugger, Bloons Monkey (That would be awesome! He could shoot like John Gore, but shoot darts!!!) Worm from Worms Doodle Jump Guy (Maybe shoots the pellet things) Bounce On Ball Guy Joke Character Suggestions: Sally(From Sally's Spa and Sally's Salon)(That would be hilarious!!) Guinea Pig from G-Force!! A Rolando (I'm putting this as a joke because I don't think ngmoco would want a Rolando shooting things in a game, and because I don't think they would allow it at all.)(If it is possible, it would be cool if their attack was a re-chargeable Spikey Ball of Death) That is my long list of suggestions. I hope you take some into consideration. (I think the Bloons Monkey is the most feasible)
Ability to use all character in single player as well as multiplayer. More maps, weapons, etc. More phrases for john gore to say
More powerups. I would love a time freeze! Maybe in the ice level! Also, more weapons is a must. Maybe, if you get enough characters, you could have character exclusive weapons to make teaming up and deciding who to play as a strategic thing. For example: Lizzy the lizard is slower than john, but gets a bazooka when she opens the box, and lasts longer as a flaming bull-big-horse-ram-thing.
Cool, are you the guy who drew wormwolf and old man tackle? Do you know when chillingo and mountain sheep plan to put bosses in the game? Okay, your artwork, is amazing! Keep up the great work!
agreed two weapons id like to see though is mines to help you lead a herd of furries to their death since im sure alot of us see ourselves doing circles around the screen. and im sure everyones thinking a rocket launcher to take out multiple furries at once
i would like to see some deathmatch mode on wifi multiplayer and upgradeable items, or even clothes like little big planet. that would be oh so sweet...
i could see battle mode being two big john gores that break down like the furries do. if possible the little AI furries go after opponent
Vehicles, bigger map, more weapons, missions if possible ..(in the video there was a snowy flashback), i'm just really looking forward to the first (i think so anyways) co-op game EVER in the app store, clothes would be extremely nice too! Minigore + 0.99 = AWSOME...
I'd like to see Khalid Shaikh added as an unlockable character. Maybe like a boss that carries a machete and a sac full of loot that he stole from everyone in the app store. After you defeat him you get the money.
While stages don't necessarily change the gameplay in any way (unless there are environmental objects that act as barriers) it doesn't really change the game much. I personally want to see more weapons and enemies.