Blasting Fawn - Frozen... There's a FANTASTIC cover of Prince's Sometimes It Snows In April that I just can not get enough of. Got Fawn - Slumber Party Massacre up next... God I love Jason Novak's voice.
Here's a couple Fawn tunes on YT... [hqyoutube]BAv4BUHrL4I[/hqyoutube] [hqyoutube]1Od_5uYQxrE[/hqyoutube] [hqyoutube]506xXBwAUBo[/hqyoutube] [hqyoutube]E6Tf6pcuojY[/hqyoutube] [hqyoutube]kt3oOChE16g[/hqyoutube]
I see what I did , since I wasn't familiar I typed in" Blasting Fawn "and "Frozen"!! Oopsy daisy me thanks for the links SV!!
Right now? I dug up an old KMFDM cd I didn't know I still had. We're KMFDM and ALL OTHER BANDS KNOW IT!
I'm not sure if many people will have heard of Veigar Margeirsson; heck his youtube vids hardly have any views, but I seriously recommend you listen to some of his music: Revelations:
=oD ABSOLUTELY LOVE the scores for Legacy and Cold Trail - and Rise Above is a masterpiece. I just wish every album was twice as long. =oP **** And TOday... Albums queued up (not on shuffle for once); A Perfect Circle - Thirteenth Step Zoe Keating - Into The Trees The Twilight Garden - Hope Access To Arasaka - Metax ohGr - Welt Acumen Nation - More Human Heart =oD
Because I've lived in South Florida for the past 25 or so years, I'm listening to the dirty (really filthy dirty) version of Scarred (some people call it hydrolics, that's not the name!) by Luke. Put that *** up high them *** down low now drop that ***** to the flo! It always gets yanked off of youtube. Can't believe they played it in my HS auditorium during some event...don't remeber why...maybe it was when Bennie Blades (UM, Detroit Lions, Seahawks) came to give a pep talk to the seniors or something.
Listened to the Fawn YouTube selections and what a great band! Really like the feeling here and the vocals are neat. Some of the guitar work reminds me a little of the band Interpol( another great band I happen to like