Listening to the new Blutspan album... Nemerth Awaits. Freak'n incredible piece of artistic work. I can't get enough of it. Damn 2013 has been an OUTSTANDING year for music. =oD
Hehe - hope you enjoy it... There's another album that's caught my attention this week - Tokee's new remix album: World Peace Remixes. It's SO FREAK'N GREAT. Here's a little post I wrote on FB about it:;: Check it out. =oD
Thanks for the links. I'll have to wait until later today to listen. I have to get ready to go with my family to church for a memorial service of a dear lady friend that passed away. Catch up with you later
rocket 88 - IKE TURNER and cadillac baby -roy brown
Hotel California by the Eagles. The whole album. Just got a new set of 5.1 speakers and playing it in FLAC. Sounds goooooood. Next test, FarCry 3.
Far Cry 3 has some really good music, the mission after you get the flamethrower is probably the best executed song/mission combo I've experienced.
But is it better than the music in GTA Vice City? I have yet to find a game with better music than that one.
Hmmm, they're not really comparable, at least not in the same vein brought up. FC3 plays music to events like a trailer of music video except you're a part of it. GTA VC plays radio stations of music independent of what's going on around you. As for which has the best actual tracks, that's subjective and down to each person listening really. I wouldn't say one is better than the other.
Stunt Child. These guys bring real rock back to the table. I'm wondering what they'll release next. I'd take it on vinyl.
The Strokes - Comedown Machine Phoenix - Bankrupt! Local Natives - Hummingbird Been listening to those three albums like crazy since they were released.