*begin suck up post* haha.............brandon is better then don and gustavo lol zincous, jeff? jeff is my idol!!!! lol i wish i could be as good at trism as you *end suck up post*
They say names describe. I dunno what that means, but anyways... My name is El Guapo. People call me Handsome (as in, "Hey, Handsome) for short.
Brewster No one gives a *** I made this thread and looks like your the only one who doesn't like it. I messed up on the poll idea. You effing cares. I'm interested in this so whatever. Go live your life. Probaly, alone Sorry. Had to let it out. Anyways, kazamar. Some people call you handsome. People say I don't belong in the forums. Oh wait.
Again brewster. No one cares wether YOU think I do or not. Go find something productive to do. Go outside. Get a girlfriend.
This thread was made soley for fun, so everyone just chill. But if I may interject my opinion here, part of the fun of forums is the anonymity. No name, no gender, and no background info allows people to function together much more smoothly than if all that info were exposed. It's part of the reason I refrained from giving out my name. I like having my own unrelated identity I can escape to. So for the sake of the peace and well-being of this forum, let's just shut this thread down. The poll was kinda weird, though
What word has only 3 letters? ....... Anyway, my name is really weird, so I'd rather not post it. And Kamazar, I'm El Atractivo. And keep this thread alive, it's fun to read these.