Bloodbath is pretty cool, but you can't talk about death metal without talking about swedeath. Mhm... Japanese thrash.
Really glad you like it, now if you have time, go for 01011001, that album is amazing also, or Into the Electric Castle. And yea, each voice is for an emotion or a character, checking out the lyrics is a good idea and if you want I can write who the singers are (though Wiki knows that too : D). not a big deathmetal fan but I'll check them out.
I'm not usually into the deep-growling death metal, but I'm liking Bloodbath so far. I usually find myself listening to more higher-pitched screaming, along the lines of Bring Me the Horizon, The Devil Wears Prada, etc. Then again, I'll basically listen to anything that sounds good. And this stuff sounds great!
Listened to some of it, it's good for the style, but I'm not going to be a fan of it I think. Anyway, I'm happy we turned this thread into a general metal discussion. : D
I really like Grenade, Liquor Store Blues, Talking To The Moon, and The Other Side. The other songs are good too, these are just my favorites
The last CD I havnt downloaded as of today was "Ai" from Seraphim. Taiwanese Power Metal. MmmmmMmmmm...
Is is any good? I loved I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love and 3 Cheers, but hated Black Parade.
Booch138, now i listen song #8 (15 total). Love Black Parade (two versions - normal and instrumental) This album very good. Must have for MCR fans