what ipad video converter do you use?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by zeroskate, Apr 14, 2010.

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  1. zeroskate

    zeroskate Active Member

    Mar 10, 2009
    Prague, Czech republic
    do you know any free ipad video converter?
  2. Deewin

    Deewin Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2009
    Air Video is the best I've used.
  3. zeroskate

    zeroskate Active Member

    Mar 10, 2009
    Prague, Czech republic
    thanks but isn't this just the ipad app? I need mac app just like handbrake that I use to convert video to my iphone
  4. It has a converter which uses your Mac computer to use ffmpeg to convert it. You queue it up with the iPad or iPhone app. I did 2012 movie with it and it here are the results.

    2012 2009 - airvideo.m4v 1.03GB

    2012 2009.mp4 (with handbrake) 1.81GB

    it was converted from 7.05GB h264 bluray encode. Anyway handbrake took like 2 1/2 hours and air video was like 1 1/2 hours. Is the handbrake encode a tad better quality than airvideo encode? Yes it is but not worth it on the iPad. I think I'll just stick to on-the-fly transcoding of air video and once in a blue moon encode a movie if gonna watch it while camping in a tent in the mountains.
  5. CassieTheChaoticCupcake

    CassieTheChaoticCupcake Well-Known Member

    Prism Video Converter. You can convert any video to whatever format you'd like and you have the option to customize it's size based on what device you have (ie. iPhone, psp, etc.) or you can customize the resolution by hand. You can even choose the framerate you'd like it to come out with. Obviously the higher the better but some people are hard pressed for space. It's fast, converts multiple files at once, reduces them to tiiiiiny sizes (most of mine are around 150 - 200 MB) while still leaving the quality impeccable. It's you're best bet I can guarantee it. You'll need to find a code generator for it though. Otherwise you'll run out of trial days and it'll start leaving a stamp on the video. You can find the converter and the cracking software on demonoid.com. It's the most trusted torrent website and registrations are open for a VERY limited time. Enjoy! :)
  6. Deewin

    Deewin Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2009
    Air video converts video with their downloadable program just like mrbass mentioned. I'm on windows and it's probably the simplest and quickest converter I've ever used. you need you're iPad on to convert all the videos though. convert and instantly place the videos into itunes and then sync them onto your iPad. You could even watch all your videos streamed onto the iPad for instant gratification :)
  7. Radovich

    Radovich New Member

    Jun 23, 2010
    Personally, i'm using ifunia all the time. iFunia Video Converter for iPad allows users to easily drag and drop to convert video and save it for any iPod that supports video, iPhone, iPad, the Apple TV and even other portable devices. In other words, while the app is Mac specific, it is not Apple specific. ItÂ’s a stable, mature application.
  8. kreshia

    kreshia New Member

    Jun 25, 2010
    Currently seeking employment
    Gardena, CA
    Videora iPad Converter its free.
  9. miter

    miter Member

    Jun 29, 2010
    agree, Macvide VideoFlash Converter is good app...

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