In a nutshell the game will be a kind of endless shooter/puzzle game. My current thoughts (based on the feedback from this thread) is to have the standard run/level as part of the free to play aspect, with the ability to watch ads to add currency for upgrades (in addition to collecting currency in game). Then have a single IAP to... Remove Ads Unlock additional runs/levels Double the collectible currency value (to offset ads) Enable additional options (mirror mode, run speeds etc.) I think that way the people that play the game for free have the same access to the same upgrades/power-ups as the paid users, they just might have to work a little harder to achieve them. Does this seem fair?
Examples of iap ill invest in . monthly allowance that gives me iap each day (marvel future fight) . doublers . one time permanent effect purchases . add removers I do not purchase consumables with real money.