What has happened to the gaming scene?

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by CassieTheChaoticCupcake, Jun 2, 2010.


Do game developers need to step it up?

  1. Yes! Most definitely!

  2. No. I'm content with where we're at.

  3. Maybe. We could throw some mudkips in there I suppose...

  1. magihiro

    magihiro Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2009
    I love how you're complaining about the quality of gaming, yet have purposely avoided some of the current generation's best games just because their "big names." That's just plain foolish. I don't expect you to find great games if you purposely avoid great games because people like them.
  2. CassieTheChaoticCupcake

    CassieTheChaoticCupcake Well-Known Member

    I'm actually considering it, but like all nice things, I give it time. I'mma wait a week to see how the reviews come out and maybe get a couple videos of people playing it to see how well it handles. :)
  3. kiranb28

    kiranb28 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2010

    You nailed it. With innovation comes risk - and with the recession just past us, i'm not sure a lot of developers are ready to take on hit-or-miss projects just yet. They'd rather opt for a hit-or-somewhat-hit project which would appeal to the mass audiences instead of thinking out of the box and re-inventing the wheel.

    Two sides to a coin:
    a) who says more of any good thing is bad? but
    b) too much of any good thing has its drawbacks as well

    As a developer, balancing between the two is quite a challenge I imagine. Who succeeds though? Have you ever heard of a fruit-slicing game before? Or a game where a little alien jumps from brick to brick dependent on your efficiency to make him climb higher and higher? How about a racing game where the emphasis lies on actually navigating and completing the track rather than finishing before your opponents?

    These are the developers who got together and took a risk; the guys who could AFFORD to take a risk considering the amount of money it took to develop these miniature gems is far less when compared to taking a similar risk when developing something on a PS3/X360/etc.

    Nintendo is successful today because of innovation. Apple is successful today because of innovation. Google is successful today because of innovation, and Netflix is successful today because of innovation.

    The sooner you become the 'first one' to offer something new, the better you position yourself amongst the crowd (considering your idea is a good one in the first place). How many people are copying Nintendo and following the Motion Controller idea today? Sony is, for one - with others to follow...

    Bottom line - innovation captures larger audiences and when you put this theory into gaming, it has the potential to WOW gamers with something never before seen. Killzone 3D... now there's something!

    Innovation or rehashes alike, one thing is for sure - i'm glad I own an iTouch as well as a PS3. I get to experience the best of both worlds, even though the 'best' of today's day and age can't be compared with the old classics of the 90's and early this decade.
  4. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    It handles great, it's funny as hell, and it's only $3.99. There's even a trailer on the game thread. You want great, original indie games? Go and spend the money on them. Now, not next week.
  5. CassieTheChaoticCupcake

    CassieTheChaoticCupcake Well-Known Member

    I never said I avoided them. Oh, how I love me some of the major names like Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty, Bad Company, Half Life, and Blur. :} I don't shun them, I just don't tend to favor them over other games. That's like pledging to only like strawberry or chocolate ice cream versus the plain ol' vanilla. Hell, I love big-name games, but I've found that if I tear myself away from them, I find treasures that very well could be more enjoyable. I try to get a healthy dose of everything, dear. Don't mistake that for ignorance.
  6. CassieTheChaoticCupcake

    CassieTheChaoticCupcake Well-Known Member

    What game might this be? ^_^ I've been wanting a racing game like this for a while. Kinda breaks the boundaries of what a "race" could be considered and it helps better my navigation skills.
  7. veecheech

    veecheech Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2009
    I would assume that Jet Car Stunts is what is being referred to. I highly recommend picking it up.
  8. playn

    playn Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2009
    i gues 4x4 kind of fits that
    its an open world racer
  9. CassieTheChaoticCupcake

    CassieTheChaoticCupcake Well-Known Member

    I'll check it out. I've seen some impressive videos. :)
  10. veecheech

    veecheech Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2009
    And it's an impressive game, definitely unique. I keep coming back to it, and any day now there should be some new DLC levels that I'm pumped for. I don't care at all that I have to pay for the update, the level of perfection of the game is so high that I'd spend more than I originally paid immediately when they're available. I hope you enjoy it, let me know what you think.
  11. RonBurgundy

    RonBurgundy Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2010
    Channel 4 Newsroom
    #31 RonBurgundy, Jun 2, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2010
    Man I just want a portable Sins of a Solar Empire or Galactic Civ II. But it just upsets me when that this may never become a reality on the iDevice because of the "safe bet" and "let's stick to the norm and make a Doodle Tie the Shoelace" and or "We will make a TD game that has nothing going for it, no story and horrible gameplay".

    Sorry if I offended anyone, I'm just a tad bitter, but I still remember playing Knights in the Nightmare and I was really impressed. And I believe that with the right mindset that indie iDevice devs can really make the iDevice the best portable game system as well as best media player and phone. And I thank Isotope 244 for pretty much making the best rts I have played on any portable game system period, mad props to you Isotope 244...
  12. kiranb28

    kiranb28 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2010
    Yep - veecheech got it - it's Jet Car Stunts.

    Suggest you buy a hand-strap of some sort to chain the device to your wrist while playing though... you know, to prevent throwing it out the window in frustration while playing :D

    Don't worry, it's the "good" kind of frustration - not the frustrating type :p
  13. headcaseGames

    headcaseGames Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2009
    Mobile Game Developer
    Hollywood, CA
    another fun/weird/different game is Vector Rally, it was recently being featured by Apple for almost the entire month. Very fun!
  14. CassieTheChaoticCupcake

    CassieTheChaoticCupcake Well-Known Member

    That reminds me... Are there any cases for the iPhone that allow for a wrist-strap? Sort of like a camera will usually have so you're less likely to drop it... ;P I'm clumsy and you wouldn't believe the amount of times I've dropped phones, and luckily enough I got the Otter Box for mine. When I went to buy it, the sales rep did a demonstration of how protective it is: He took MY phone... MY phone guys... and threw it across the room in this case >_>; And it was fine... So I threw my $50 at him and left with it. xD But anywho... I've really been wanting a case that either comes with a strap or allows for a strap to be added to it. Any suggestions?
    After that, we should probably get back on topic before moderators shut us down :x
  15. New England Gamer

    New England Gamer Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 30, 2009
  16. CassieTheChaoticCupcake

    CassieTheChaoticCupcake Well-Known Member

    Oooh thanks! :D That looks just about perfect! The strap isn't too large (for some reason I think it looks tacky) and the ridges should act as nice shocks if I ever drop it :) Lol.
  17. Mondae

    Mondae Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2010
    Perv, why do you care?
    The Jam Jacket Game by DLO.
  18. CassieTheChaoticCupcake

    CassieTheChaoticCupcake Well-Known Member

    Isn't that made just for the iPod Touch ): I'd be all over that if it could fit on the iPhone...
  19. Mondae

    Mondae Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2010
    Perv, why do you care?
    iPhone... Ow none that I know of.
  20. CassieTheChaoticCupcake

    CassieTheChaoticCupcake Well-Known Member

    B'aww thanks anyway :)
    Have anything to add to the original discussion? Lol.
    I really wish they'd bring some of the lesser known games to the iPhone like Ape Escape and Legend of Legia. I'm curious as to whether anyone even remembers them... They were for the PS1 and PS2 :p

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