Yes, They are going to keep toning down the violence factor until it passes through into the AppStore. Probably be a few weeks to a few months, depending on Apple.
It was already resubmitted about a week ago with toned down violence because of apples homo review system.
they will probably have to do what alien mangle game where it originally had blood and apple wouldn't release it so they made it greenish blue alien blood instead then it was released.
Dr. Arugala has alot of red blood so don't think that is the reason..
maybe its several other things and blood like how theres a gun called a shit gun? who knows apple is pretty ridiculous with games the good ones get denied and stupid ones like all the farting apps everyone gets maybe its partly to blame on somebody always needing to complain about something apple=nazis
yea apples like one of those overprotective moms that doesnt let their kids go to the movies cuz its dark in the theatre
that's pretty funny but very true if they want to be a factor in the hand held gaming category they really need to lighten up if its because they don't want to offend people or kids that have them then don't let your kids get them change the itunes password or make some kind of esrb thing i know the games have ratings and all but they could make it so some games you have to be old enough to buy and they could easily do that by just making parental control's some time of system where you have to verify your age that way developers could release what they want, b**tching parents would be happy, apple would still get there greedy hands on all there money and we are all happy as well
they already do this, I had to verify my age to download amateur surgeon. i'm not sure why they don't use it more though.
I just ignore everything he says, he's never added anything worthwhile to any one conversation. His threads have been locked more than left open.
I've never started a thread. Plus it's a joke. Get over yourself. And stay on topic. If Apple really considers the iPhone/iPod a gaming platform they need to 1. Get better quality control. No more DS effects crap. And 2. Sell mature rated games. I'm not talkng porn or anything but they should at least let bloody games through. Until then I'll never consider the iPhone a gaming platform. That's just my opinion though. (I'm pretty sure I just added to the conversation. I could be wrong though.)
Didnt you see? it got rejected like a few weeks ago for beign to violent and will be resubmitted less violent soon
It said it was being resubmitted. No word on when, or with what changes. I am about to just flat out give up on this one.
yes, it's out. now we can close this thread...