Sort of a spinoff of the music thread. I bought Over The Top Tower Defense a long time ago but didn't really get into it. But I gave it another chance, and in the last week or so, I have characters that are level 38. I feel like I am addicted now. I think I am trying to complete the 12th level. What are you playing the most, right now?
Diablo III - PS4 Crysis 3 - PS3 CounterSpy - PSV Hitman GO - iOS Civilization V - PC Bot games like Killzone Mercenary (PSV) and Call of Duty Ghosts (PS4) pepper game sessions, followed by a bit of The Last of Us (PS4) and Battlefield 4 (PS4) online.
Dishonored I love it it's like Deus Ex meets meets assassins creed and some of the powers you can get are pretty awesome like stopping time.
Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare, before that it was The Last of Us Remastered both on PS4. I'm also playing a little Bravely Default on the 3DS.
Wolfenstein: The New Order (9th Play through and still is quite fun to play ) Deus Ex: HR Bioshock (If my iPad mini can't run it, my XBOX 360 does) The Last Of Us Remastered Dishonored (Making a phantom run) Max Gentlemen Yeah, s*it tons of spare time.
1. South park the stick of truth - ps3 (LOVE this game... except for the farting. I really don't like how the mechanic works in the game) 2. Battleheart Legacy - iOS 3. Modern Combat 5 - iOS
Invisible Inc. from Klei (Probably my favorite indie developer ever) Deus Ex:HR Modern Combat:5 Sanctum 2
Diablo III PS3. My first ever Diablo and it's fun as hell. On Vita, rotating between Killzone: Mercenary and Phanom Breaker.