Hi. Just published a new game and it got to 17 on the China market but nothing on the world market. What is it missing? Here is the link https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/piano-jump-amazing-piano-game/id1159430312?mt=8
Viewed but didn't comment as I'm not a dev. I tried Piano Jump and it's fun. Doesn't miss anything. I guess it comes down to awareness. If your game was featured by Apple China that would make a huge difference. Without that, in the world market, it's difficult for people to discover your game among millions of others.
I would look at the wording in English. It reads like a google translation, it might be worth asking an American or English friend to take a look at the description and re-write it for you?
Apple recommended the game for China but that only helped a little. We will try again with our new game next week. We made some games for other companies and they got so many downloads but we don't have a name so even though this game is better we have to start at the bottom
I haven't played it. The game screenshots look like fun. But, here is my 2 cents worth of comments: 1. i think your game icon uh... kinda not nice. It looks really cheap. 2. from screenshot, i have no idea what is the gameplay like. you need to maybe show people how to play game in screenshot. most ppl dont read the description ever. that's about it. sorry if i am brutally honest. good luck in ur game.
I'll elaborate a bit more as well. I would attempt to add some text/captions to the images explaining what the game is about. But that will only help if people are already finding your game but not downloading it. I can't comment on discoverability as that's out of my area of expertise. I'll try it out though. Looks interesting. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk