One 42 point performance is not enough for an athletics scholarship, no matter how good your school's division is.
Listen, I didn't say that to brag, I'm always focused on ball handling and passing, that one night I was in the zone. I'm only 5'3 so please give some credit. My dream is going to the NBA and I already get enough crap from my friends about how your never gonna make it. I'd love to prove everyone I'm wrong.
I'm a slightly inferior but faster pokemon master who you somehow manage to follow around unintentionally... In reality I am half Student half lazy man, I don't have a job but it would be hard to find one. I like to play tennis, become indebted to my parents for buying too much music and gig tickets and move incredibly slowly with my girlfriend
I am a college student majoring in English (writing emphasis) and Women's Studies. I'm going into my third year now.
I'm a high school student right now, but in the future I'm hoping to be either an astrophysicist or a laser engineer.
coded for unix before my leg made me take a early retirement. n ow i just try to keep my self busy and drugged up. chris.