My opinion on religion and life as we know it... Recently I saw the movie "The Book of Eli", which is now my favorite movie, and it gave me support on my theory of religion. This is what I believe. I believe we are animals like any other. A human species that just has an incredibly higher intelligence than any other earthly species and we have the ability to store knowledge and memories. (Not saying animals can't do that, but you know what I mean) I believe that in the beginning we were either placed here by a higher intelligence life or we were created simply through years and years and years of evolution. Regardless, I believe that there was a time when religion and the existance of gods hadn't crossed any mind. Humans killed humans, such as other animals of the same species kill other animals of the same species. We lived like wild animals until soon someone realized life could be better, peaceful, and have much more meaning than we can imagine. So they tried to have everyone work together as one, thus creating a better life to live. Unfortunatly, it didn't work. In comes religion... I have two theories about this... one, religion was a first attempt at mind control... with religion you have the ability to control a mass of people.. make them do whatever you want and live how you want them to live. The second theory.. could be that it was created to make peace. Im sure it was used both ways, which is why we have so many different types of religions today. People are constantly converting others into different religions, all have their own beliefs, all wanting more members. I don't know about you.. but I've entered the deepest thoughts of why the universe is how it is... (Yes, I smoke weed), I've thought about it for long, entering imaginations that have never crossed my mind, and soon it made me depressed.. knowing that I would never realize how infinity can exist... infinitly small and infinitly large... you could almost think it would make you suicidal if you just couldn't stand the fact that you can never grasp the true meaning of existance... thus religion was created. Religion answers those questions... It provides answers for everything... you don't need to think beyond earth because your god is the answer. Well... I think not. I believe its just a cover-up to let us live life peacefully without questions of existance, and to keep our minds on track of others and creating an organized world. Well, as the world gets more and more corrupt.. we'll see what happens. Idk... What do you believe?
Yeah, we are. Aurora gets in a heated debate every time someone expressed they're opinion, KGameLover1 blocks anyone that says something that hurts his ego, and there was this one guy arguing how Metroid had the most amazing level design every to grace a gaming console. If we have this thread, it's ending with a mushroom cloud.
I believe some parts of that wall at the top of this thread make sense, but some parts (probably most) just sound batshit insane.
You're basing your religious beliefs off of a mediocre movie starring denzel washington, gary oldman, and the chick from that 70's show?
Um no. I am just saying, it kinda provides a visual view of part of what I believe. And um.. who cares whos in it. They didn't create the movie.
Book of Eli wasn't good? I was really looking forward to seeing it this weekend. As for my religion, I believe in Assassin's Creed's beliefs. Peace and order can only be accomplished through the Piece of Eden.
Hmm....well, I would like to suggest what I believe, but I will get blasted with hate speech and insults.....