i guess my present was my life. laughs. been in the hospital since Tuesday they let me out yesterday around 2pm. stay healthy! chris.
I'm sick of vouchers! "Now you can get what you want" Well if you bothered to meet me at other times in the year you could ask what I want! I am happy with what I got, I just hate it when others get more than I do! Lol, quite sad I know, but I don't wanna leave childhood - I'd rather looooooads of little gifts than a couple of more expensive ones.
Inception Blu Ray, a ZaggSparq, and Fallout: New Vegas topped my list this year. Also received a considerable amount of cash and gift cards.
A samsung netbook new psp 60$ of itunes cards a 1 dollar lotto ticket which i won 25 dollars from the macys 2010 smurf patapon 2 killzone liberation cup pong kinect(my brothers tho)
Lol i was trying to figure out what you changed for about 20 seconds, then i saw 'brick' haha. Maybe cos its getting late. Off to bed lawl.
I had a really awesome Christmas. Got a 1TB 2.5" HD, a Swiss Army knife that's like 3" wide with the million things on it, new Slimmy wallet, and some Rage Faces underwear-
I didn't get a whole lot (especially since my wife and I were super slim on money this time around) but I got some Jets gear, $25 iTunes card (which iTunes devoured relentlessly ^.^) and some other goodies. My 8 Month old son made out like a bandit though. He got like 30 freaking different kinds of toys and walkers and all kinds of stuff. Very blessed.
I'm extremely happy. I received an xbox 360 slim 250gb, a ton of horror and comedy movies, a few shirts, a really cool 700 page zombie book, and an $50 iTunes gift card which I'm saving to get all those cool HD games when I get the iPhone 4 or 5.
I have way too much chocolate. 4 big boxes and loads of chocolate coins/bars. I don't know why everyone buys me so much chocolate, I don't even like it that much. In fact I keep on finding unopened bars of chocolate stashed away in drawers from last Christmas.
What kind? I got a M-Audio one from my wife couple Christmas's ago and has worked diligently for me since.