What can I clean my iPhone with?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by Jordanrracer, Apr 30, 2012.

  1. #21 Connector, Jul 2, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2012
    Islip microfiber cleaner

    I just found a great microfiber cleaner for the ipad!!! It is made by Cooper Product, and what they are is a band made of microfiber on one side and elastic on the other.

    They are called iSlip, and you can order them from their webpage at www.cooper-product.com

    Since it is a band, you can store it permanently around your ipad or you smartcover, so you can use it anytime you want. I haven't found any microfiber cleaner that is designed specifically for the ipad, so this one works great.

    You can use this with or without a cleaning liquid. I personally use windex wipes first then the islip. But I also use the islip alone many times too.

    They cost about $9 including shipping. I just recently found this cleaner, and I highly recommend it. Goto their website to look at the product. It works great to get the fingerprints off your ipad. You can also use it to clean your iphone too, but it is made to rubberband around your ipad.

    Also, they have a special sale going on, if you go to their website and type in the code "ANIMEEXPO12", you will get $1 off. So it would cost $8 including shipping. Give it a try, I like it.
  2. Coldar

    Coldar Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2008
    Upstate NY/USA
  3. Greyskull

    Greyskull Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2009
    Photographer/Social Sciences adjunct/sweet sweet l
    Fort Lauderdale
    For everyday smudges, you should always have handy a microfiber cloth made for vleaning lenses (camera or quality eyeglasses).

    Water is the fo-to cleaning fluis, just be careful.

    If you really need to do a deep cleaning, especially if you get anything sticky on your screen, say from removing a screen protector, I learned an old trick from my dad.

    Lighter fluid. A Q-tip soaked with a tiny dab of butane works wonders. Before you ask, it won't damage the screen. Just be very careful; perhaps cut out a templat from some paper.
  4. Peewhy

    Peewhy Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2012
    I use the monster screen cleaner
  5. dockjonh

    dockjonh New Member

    i tried with my Iphone some times when it got Os problems, it was worse than, the best thing is bring it to the manternance

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