Last year, the Appvent Calendar was pretty special. But since it inspired a slew of "free app a day" sites I'm wondering if it'll be anything special this year -- unless they've lined up some killer titles.
Any thoughts on: Samantha Swift (Is it strictly hidden object or is there adventure elements?) Ragdoll Blaster 2 HD (I have the iPhone version so wondering if this is a waste) Mysterious Past of Gregory Phoenix GT Racing HD (How does this control on the iPad?) Fruit Ninja HD (Already have iPhone version) Thanks for the feedback in advance!
Exactly, they were the ones that began the this free app a day trend, They better have good stuff up their sleeve, Expecting Floop, Monorace, a New Release by Black smith games
I already have this game so this isn't just some secret hope for the game to go on sale or anything, but for some reason, I just have a feeling Boost 3D is going to be a part of the Appvent Calendar event.
So far I've picked up: Pac-Man CE Meow Meow Happy Fight Piyo Blocks 2 Still hoping to pick up more things.
I had a $10 iTunes gift card so I just picked up: -Assassin's Creed -Hero of Sparta 2 -Brothers in Arms 2 -Settlers -Zenonia 2 -Yslandia -Heroes of Kalevala I'm still pretty shocked I just got all of that for a little less than $10. Gotta love this platform!
too much to play with do you think the appventcalendar will be good this year? Since we have a appventcalender for the whole day on many different websites, this one sould really rock this appstore
I already picked up these games: Hero of Sparta 2 Lets Golf 2 Zen Bound 2 Yoo! Sports Total price 3.96$ only
You forgot tax. so it's more than $4! Anyway I picked up Kalevala. Perhaps just one or 2 more titles for cyber monday and I'm done with this month's purchases