We're mad as hell about iOS games that cost money, have ads, and/or any IAP at all.

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by tsharpfilm, Nov 3, 2009.


Is Canabalt worth $2.99?

  1. Yes

    213 vote(s)
  2. No

    293 vote(s)
  3. Not my type of game

    102 vote(s)
  1. TiltMyTouch

    TiltMyTouch Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2010
    Huh. I swore I quoted this in my previous post but I guess I'll have to double, if I may :eek:

    Anyway, I never said that iOS will never be a proper gaming platform. That's stupid, because it already is. But it's a MOBILE platform, and I'm going to have to agree with Madman100 when he says that the gap is lessening between PC/console gaming and mobile gaming because of the iOS. I'm also going to agree that mobile gaming is up and coming.

    But never will the iOS see a majority of high-priced, high-quality games. Never will BIG games move to the App Store. There will simply be better and better games specifically designed for the iOS devices that will truly showcase the capabilities that they do have for a mobile device, and excellent casual and hardcore games (in mobile gaming standards) will continue to be released.
  2. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    Yup... My iPod, like I've said before... Is the GameBoy of my 20s and 30s...

    Theres loads of great ports... Giana Sisters, X-Men, R-Type, EDF, BattleSquadR1, Galaga, ESPGaluda II, DoDonPachi, Deathsmiles, Emberwind, rRootage, ChuChuRocket, World Of Goo...

    Granted, they are mostly older games and shmups... But there are done ports that work VERY well on the iDevice... And those listed are just the ones I have on my device right now... I'm sure there's more...

    I really do believe that iDevices will grow to the point where PC and console gaming is now... Granted, not in the next five years... But it's going to happen eventually... Sooner or later, there's going to be mobile devices that can run exact ports of FEAR and Biohazard... If Apple can keep raking in the $$$ like they are now, which I'm pretty sure they can, they'll probably be the first mobile devices to do so...
  3. Lazer

    Lazer Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2011
    BIG games will move to the App Store once there are more customers there than in the console space. As long as gaming continues to be awesome on iDevices this will happen some time. If/when the market for BIG games on iOS is as large as consoles, BIG games will move to the App Store. The market of core gamers on iOS is much smaller than the consoles currently, but that is likely to change over the next couple of years.

    *Numbers ahead*
    According to Wikipedia, there are 52 million PS3's, 55 million XBox 360s, 88 million Wiis and almost 150 million Nintendo DS's. Apple at WWDC stated it has sold 175 million iPhone/iPod Touches and 25 million iPads. Ostensibly all DS owners are willing to purchase DS games, but how many iDevice users purchase games? Of those how many do you think would purchase BIG games?

    There's a threshold there that we don't have very good data on, but if I were a larger game company, I would be pouring research into what percentage of iDevice users buy non-casual games versus what percentage of console owners buy games regularly or semi-regularly. My guess is EA did that research a year or two ago and then started making the moves they did. At some point those percentages will work out to where the iDevice customer base exceeds the base on other platformers, and at that point developers will start developing more for iOS.

    Of course that will lead to what you say in the above quote, which is arguably what iOS gamers want (I know it's really what I want), which isn't for big games to be ported to iOS, but rather for more really awesome big name titles developed specifically for iOS. Sorry for the wall of text, I just really like talking about markets and iOS games. I basically agree with your point, but I see it as a positive rather than a negative. I think we're only beginning to see a tiny bit of what iDevices have to offer gamers, and as that market grows I think we'll see things that are even more awesome than what's come before.
  4. NinthNinja

    NinthNinja Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2011
    The convergence of technology is a key factor for mobile and the death of the consoles. It's not hard to predict any of this when you consider what is happening currently and where it will lead. Let's look at the iPad for instance.

    1. The iPad2 has a better CPU and GPU than iPad1
    2. You can connect it to a HD TV - physically and remotely
    3. Games quality is improving
    4. It can also do other useful things than just play games

    Ok, the future.

    1. The iPad4 will be on par with consoles on the CPU and GPU side
    2. You will connect to HD TV and also have gaming controls that will connect remotely
    3. Games will be on par with console games. The publishers simply cannot ignore the market. Games will be designed around long play gameplay when you are at home and short play gameplay when you are mobile - this will mean more varied experiences from the same game
    4. Once you connect the device into your home entertainment system you will be able to record your tv shows, play music, surf the net. But you can still go mobile and do all the other things it was designed for

    That's just what could happen for the iPad. The same for the iPhone is true but also above all it's a phone as well.

    So, the question is as consumers. Do you want to own one device that will cater for your needs? Or do you want multiple devices? And that my friends is the nail in the coffin for any devices that are designed for one purpose in mind, for instance the traditional games console.
  5. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    wow... $3... =o/

    with some funky controls... waiting for impressions... =o/
  6. TheFrost

    TheFrost Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2010
    For 1 dollar i was mine already, but for 3 im not so sure, im almost broke right now, so ill do the same and wait for impressions, i hope for good controls, this game could be really good... Seen the video like 3 times now...
  7. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    might just wait and hope this one goes on sale... =o/

    Really... SO broke after yesterday... =oP
  8. Eli

    Eli ᕕ┌◕ᗜ◕┐ᕗ
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    It's so incredibly disheartening to me to see such an incredible game that is just dripping with perfectly executed 8-bit style, open up the thread here, and find people "not so sure" for three dollars.

  9. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    I know what you mean... but the only reason I'm really not so sure for $3 is because I have $0.35 in the bank... =oP

    Once I get my paycheck, I'll be all over this one... the comments have made me want it really bad...

    If it was a buck, I'd probably take the plunge without impressions... but for $3, it is nice to know what you're getting into... yah yah yah, it's only $3... but damn, I'm so broke... =oP
  10. TheFrost

    TheFrost Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2010
    Im completely broke, dont have any money so i cant afford it... that the reason, if i had money, it was already mine
  11. shyguy3

    shyguy3 Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2010
    OK, since I didn't care for any of the new games released yesterday except "candy boy" (which I got a promo code for anyway) I decided to take a stab on this one. I hope I don't regret it.:confused:
  12. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    hehe... looks like we're in the same boat...

    hopefully we can nab this one soon... =oP

    I've watched the trailer like 20 times now... each time I just want the game more and more... =oP
  13. Eli

    Eli ᕕ┌◕ᗜ◕┐ᕗ
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Get a job instead of spending time on forums?
  14. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    lmao... got a job... =oP

    Got 3 kids too...

    I'm ALWAYS broke... which is why I love the appstore SO SO SO much!
  15. shyguy3

    shyguy3 Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2010
    With 3 kids I don't blame you for being broke. LOL:p
  16. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    yup, I ended up buying this one... hopefully I can get $3 in the bank before iTunes charges me for it... =oO
  17. magihiro

    magihiro Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2009
    What game are we talking about? Canabalt?
  18. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    no... it was The Last Rocket... or whatever... =oP
  19. Artfoundry

    Artfoundry Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2009
    COO and Creative Director at LCD Dreams, Inc.
    Bay area, CA
    I'm not sure I can speak for others, but for me, it's not so much about the price as it is about the value. I have somewhere around 50-80 games on my iphone and another 200 in my appshopper list that I haven't even bought yet. I also try to limit my game spending to $10/mo. So when I look around for games, I want to make sure that I'm going to enjoy the game for a long time - not just for its own sake, but also in comparison to what else is out there. I can't buy and play every game, so I need to pick and choose which ones I have time to play and will want to keep playing.

    I think this thread has gone beyond Canabalt at this point, but with that game, there are so many other running games for less. Maybe not all as polished, but the fact is, that type of game doesn't keep my interest for that long anyway. So why spend $3 on that one, when I can spend $1 (or less) on another similar game, get my short lived fun, and move on?
  20. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    Really... if a game is a buck, I'll usually take the plunge, and check it out, regardless of impressions, or lack of reviews...

    But over that... I'm just not able to spend over about $20 a month on games... and what Artfoundry said applies to me too... Why get a $3 game that might not stay on my iPod for more than an hour... or worse... 5 minutes... when I could get 3 $1 games that I know would stay on my iPod for a month or more because I'm loving the lite versions?

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