We're mad as hell about iOS games that cost money, have ads, and/or any IAP at all.

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by tsharpfilm, Nov 3, 2009.


Is Canabalt worth $2.99?

  1. Yes

    213 vote(s)
  2. No

    293 vote(s)
  3. Not my type of game

    102 vote(s)
  1. Gabrien

    Gabrien Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2009
    So my "opinion" is now officially invalid because you say so? Now I'm not allowed to post on the general threads and can only post here? You intend to "police," sensor, move, delete, and in the process misquote anything I say at your will? And this isn't persecution?

    Clearly you and Eli have the agenda to make me leave. Yes you could ban me but I guess that wouldn't be anywhere near as much fun. Perhaps it will even work. Not a single person here has supported me in the face of your horridness, and that IS telling me something. But so long as I am here I will continue to speak openly and with the same integrity as always. When I see no reason to stay I will leave. If you want me to leave before then you're going to have to find that pretext to ban me. Or maybe not. Perhaps nobody here really would care either way.

    I'm done with this thread, you, Eli, and whoever else here is being amused by all this. I will learn something from this either way.
  2. ImNoSuperMan

    ImNoSuperMan Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    My clueless little Gabrien, you are entitled to your opinion but not dumb baseless crap. If you intend to make more such posts based on your assumptions, I'd rather prefer if you didnt post at all.
    Finally something you arent clueless about anymore. Took you long enough though.
  3. Arashi541

    Arashi541 Well-Known Member

    #1843 Arashi541, Aug 5, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2011

    This is the new themesong of this thread!:)
  4. Vovin

    Vovin 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Nov 28, 2009
    #1844 Vovin, Aug 5, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2011
    I am not amused. I am just surprised how anyone can accuse others of bullying him around, when he's just doing the same.
    Oh, and you were supported by two or three persons, Gabrien. But maybe that's just not what you expected to happen. But you never came to the conclusion why people don't support you: because they aren't agreeing with the things you say.
    But I guess from your point of view, you can't be wrong. Never.
  5. LOLavi

    LOLavi Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2011
    iPhone gamer
    What's so amusing of making fun of someone? :confused: either way don't make me your next target by just making a question.
  6. hamster787

    hamster787 Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2010
    #1846 hamster787, Aug 5, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2011
    i dunno what he said since his post about SOME devs being dishonest etc but tbh he said SOME not all, look at glu and square enix (for those who don't know this is an opinion, meaning not everyone will agree with me, however i expect most will agree about glu) as examples he is right in these cases and therefore his statement is correct (if this is the case) SOME devs are manipulative greedy and all that stuff now if im wrong about him saying that it is only some devs are the things he was referring to then correct me as i said i haven't read much of this thread as it seems like a massive waste of time.;)
    edit: i see that the thread is currently discussing universal builds well my statement still stands and as well as that i also believe that is is not right to all gang up on gabrien just because he has an opinion, ill repeat an opinion is not something that everyone will agree on.
  7. Vovin

    Vovin 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Nov 28, 2009

    There's a difference between having an opinion and being abusive.
  8. ImNoSuperMan

    ImNoSuperMan Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    Its his posts and seriously twisted logic which are amusing to me. So I'm not really making fun of anymone. Its his own choice to be funny (intentional or not).

    Exactly. Just ridiculous to think someone will go to this length to insult someone else just coz of their business policies when he himself has absolutely ZERO experience in their business.
  9. LOLavi

    LOLavi Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2011
    iPhone gamer
    Well I gotta admit he took it all a "little" too dramatically.
  10. hamster787

    hamster787 Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2010
    closing the thread is the way to go
  11. ImNoSuperMan

    ImNoSuperMan Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    Close this thread? Never!
  12. TheDukester

    TheDukester Well-Known Member

    Only on Opposite World.

    This thread serves two wonderful purposes:

    1. It moves all the craptastic "price wars" debates to one place, instead of letting those debates destroy every other thread they contaminate;

    2. It provides great humor. And for free, too.
  13. dumaz1000

    dumaz1000 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2010
    I'm not going to bother with some flame war. I will say that the definitive handheld version of Final Fantasy Tactics, the PSP version, can be obtained from Amazon.com for $8, after shipping. It's half the cost. If you are a real fan of gaming and handheld gaming and you are not currently taking advantage of what the PSP has to offer, then it's your loss. The PSP has entered a post-mainstream golden era, where nearly all of it's games are obtainable for less than $20, and many can be gotten for less then $10.

    I have no fundimental issues with paying $15 for a high-end iOS game, but what Square-Enix is doing is bush league. I don't believe Square has any respect for iOS gaming as a legitimate platform. Truth is, I'm not sure any console dev/Publisher respects iOS gaming outside of EA.
  14. Lazer

    Lazer Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2011
    It's arguable that iOS is the smallest market for core gamers (i.e. the people who would buy PSP/DS and have consoles). Similarly the touch interface of iOS makes developing for it unique among different platforms. I don't think it's a matter of respect, it's a matter of getting the bang for your buck. If you were to develop a game targeted at core gamers, why would you pick the smallest platform?

    I actually think Square did a great job with FFT. Just considering what it would have taken to change the source code to a point where the camera can move as freely as it does compared to how it was on the PSX is really impressive to me.
  15. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    I thought EA's CEO said that only 40% of their sales were for consoles... and that their biggest growing market was for the iPod... ??
  16. arrrarrr

    arrrarrr Member

    Aug 5, 2011
    Agreed. Most core gamers do not take the platform seriously and hopefully this changes at some point. I read a comment yesterday that said "I will never pay more than $4 for a phone game." This is a common narrow-minded viewpoint equating 'phone games' with crap.

    There are enough quality full-length games available now to change this pov. I used to feel the same way and snubbed the platform mostly due to the lack of buttons. Once I got use to it, it wasn't a big as big a deal as I thought. Having my thumb block a portion of screen real estate bothers me more than the lack of 'tactile feedback'. The modern virtual sticks for traditional button-based games work quite well. New games can use different control methods. It turned out to be more of a comfort zone issue sort of like the pad vs kb/mouse one for FPS.

    What I'm saying it the platform is obviously capable of competing with DS/PSP/3DS/Vita. The hardware is more powerful than all but the Vita and eventually future idevices will eclipse that as well. The fact that my phone is always with me is a huge advantage. This is why I don't mind paying $16 for FFT or FF3.

    There is little incentive for console publishers to make an iOS version if people aren't willing to spend more than a couple bucks. The counter argument is that there are plenty of cheap quality games from EA and Gameloft. I don't disagree with this either. But let me use Lego Harry Potter as an example. It's $5 (and often less) price makes it a bargain, but you don't see any other Lego ports either. I'm sure it sold well, but not well enough to port other Lego games. EA's games are a steal when they're on sale for $1 but they're not as deep as similar PSP versions. Gameloft's games have pretty visuals and a few are good but they're still 'mini' games. They also follow the business model where essentially you pay for the title screen and the rest cost extra most of the time.

    Sorry for the tl;dr. Basically what I'm saying is the platform has the potential to be a core contender if people would realize this and break out of their .99 shell. FFT is a port of the PSP version and most of the slowdown is fixed. It is 95% running an emulation of the PSone version. If they ported it from scratch, they wouldn't have bothered releasing it at all.
  17. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State
    And yet, somehow, building FFVII from scratch back in the day on a platform known more for fighting games, doing a level of cutscenes and visuals that were previously unheard of in a console RPG, became a system seller making both Square and Sony a few convoys of cash in the process.

    Coding a grid based, turn based isometric game from scratch is not exactly a herculean effort for experienced coders and Square had the money and staff to redo the whole thing only preserving the mechanics and story had they wanted, and had they wanted they could have charged even more, had 1/10th the grumbling, and this time next year the iOS platform would be the gamer's choice of portable platforms regardless of stripe.

    Besides, looking at the final results versus the development time, I'd wager they spent considerably more trying only somewhat successfully to shoe-horn an iOS UI overtop of an emulation of an emulation compared to just re-doing it. I figure somebody figuratively lost their head because they pitched the idea they could save a bunch of money recycling all the assets and then they spent an entire year trying to get the port to adequate versus putting out what could have been *the* title to really get the core gamers of the world's complete attention.
  18. Lazer

    Lazer Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2011
    iOS is a much larger market for games, but not for core gamers. EA is seeing this because of IP they control, all of the well-known board games, Tetris, and the watered down versions of known titles, these all appeal to the iOS market at large. They aren't developing new IP for iOS because frankly new IP doesn't really appeal to the vast majority of iDevice users. As good as Dead Space is, if it was the same game, but called something else, it probably would not have sold as well.
  19. arrrarrr

    arrrarrr Member

    Aug 5, 2011
    Sqenix most certainly doesn't view iOS in the same light as they did the PS1 in 1997. They might have experienced devs but they are not doing very well these days. The USD doesn't trade favorably in Japan either, it's like worth $.75.

    The delay indicates that they didn't assign much of a dev team to the iOS version. The money is just not there compared to dedicated handhelds, at least right now. A $5.00 app is not going to profit as much as a $30 cartridge even with all the royalties, shipping, physical costs that come along with it.

    The Gameloft excuse some use is BS because most Gameloft titles are quite 'mini' compared with 'core' handheld games. Not all of them, but most of them. Gameloft recently emerged with controversy as a slave driver too.

    FFT is a fine port. One thing the snobs don't realize is that retina display support isn't far off from the native frame buffer of modern PS3/360 sub-hd games. Seriously. The PowerVR tech is nowhere near what is inside that console hardware even if it is 5+ years old. I am honestly quite shocked we get some of the retina games that we do (RR2, IB, etc.)
  20. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State
    And that would be the problem. Trends show it becoming one of, if not the dominant gaming platform not long down the road. Them largely ignoring and/or exploiting it cannot help them.

    This *one* sentence I quoted aside, I've got little idea why you bothered to quote my entire post because the majority of your post is either unrelated or just flat out goofy.

    Case in point:
    You might want to bone up on some basic economics, the USD is worth $1 in Japan, same as everywhere (not really sure how anyone could think otherwise). The question is what is its value in Yen, and it's 78.46 Yen currently, which is down, but with the App store in dozens of countries, also pretty damn irrelevant.

    Except that nobody mentioned a $5 app, I suggested they could have charged more than the $16 if they'd actually redeveloped it. Let's say they'd redeveloped it and charged $20, the $14 (or its multinational equivalents) they would have pocketed would have been right in line with what they would make from a $40 Nintendo 3DS "FFIII" caliber re-do (and for all the debate about how many core gamers there are on iOS, it's still undoubtedly more than are currently on Nintendo 3DS).

    I'm just going to ignore the comments about Gameloft and retina as I never even touched on either of those matters, nor do I see what they have to do with whether or not Square gave the port to iOS a proper treatment. At any rate, your amazement that iOS can handle retina graphics aside, that's, again, irrelevant since the graphical assets in the game aren't even up to a pre-retina touch/iPhone. These aren't even 480x320 caliber sprites and text, and that's why the "snobs" are pointing out the flaws.

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