Yes Hodapp would never ,ever go over there. Now they are experts at knowing how long it takes to develop iphone games or games in general. I swear the one thing they are good at is making me laugh hard. Look at the experts on how long it takes iphone developers to make a game LOL!
2-3 days, Bull maybe for a Cr'app. But for a really good game it takes about 3-4 days of concept. 1 week of pre design (Getting Music, and Menu's done) about 2/3 weeks on code and about 1 week of final touches (Eg, Bugs, Description, GameCenter, Release stuff). Plus real devs put about Half a years effort into there game. What those guys forget or did not think about is that IOS developers release updates that also take about 1 week to do and 2 weeks to get released. So in total it takes ages to get a IOS game to its best point.
The funniest part for me was the guy pretending to be the creator of God of War and the other guy pretending to be Lima sky.
I'm thinking the forum is so messed up that even the serious ones are trolling now. The whole 2-3 days to make a game thing is so obviously false that the person who wrote it is probably here and just trying to make that place look ridiculous.
So basically your saying the trolls are getting trolled , a taste of thier own medicine. Well I dont feel sorry for them one bit , I tried myself to reason with them with no success. We should call that website Toucharcade: The Banned Lol. At least one good thing came out of it , instead of fighting we all came together here. I count that as a positive. Also I have a new found respect for IamNoSuperMan. Now I see how really hard this guy works to keep the real idiots out of here. Also I have more respect for the all the mods , writers , and admins. They actually sit and read thread after thread , post after post cleaning up the garbage.
Yemi, at this point, you're giving that place a sense of importance it does not deserve. It's a troll-farm. We get it. Let it go now ...
Trust me its dead funny but in no way shape , form , or fashion is it important. I found it when me and my partner went looking for forums to post our upcomming game RetroGameBox. It was just so funny I had to tell people about it. I never said it had any value what so ever . What important to me is apple approving or game which is taking forever. But if I start talking about our upcomming game here, I get jumped on for pushing my own product. So since the topic of that stupid site was present , I stayed on topic. Now watch someone will claim I was pluging my game.
After a long and unbearable wait. @ Gabrien, if you don't like IAP just don't get it... There are plenty of great games with IAP that you are/will miss. Moreover its because of you cheap bastards that there will never be full port of triple A games.
Dont be stupid. Many of us here spend a lot of money on games (I've got over 300 on my ipod) and many different prices. Its a forum, you're going to get different opinions here, no point calling someone a 'cheap bastard' just because of one view. Grow up
I agree 100%. It will be something like "to purchase a new tower level it will cost 1,000,000,000 coins". And you'll only end up making 6 coins every 35 go for me. And I am a "cheap bastard", I'm not downloading this free app on to my iPod 4g 64gb, OR my iPad 1g 64g, OR my iPad 2g 64gb! I might download it for my Playstation 3, but NOT for my Wii or my Xbox 360, I would never download it into my iTunes on my 17inch Dell XPS Laptop either...because I'm a cheap bastard and I don't like to spend my money on stupid things!!! On a serious note...IAP are fine when they don't screw with the gameplay, but if the point comes where your choice is to grind for hours and hours just to progress the game by an inch or buy ingame money...then you're screwing the gamer.
You don't know yet if the IAPs are needed to play the game so saying you won't buy it because it will be like that is a bit silly to be honest I trust Nimblebit to be pretty good about it but we will see once I'm playing it
Well they made pocketfrogs, which has the most excellent IAP implementation of all iPhone games (beneficial but optional in the truest sense of the word). I've not played it but based on past experience you might want to make an exception if IAP is a problem for you.
This is the is a silly place. And I'm quite silly. And prehaps my way of judging apps is silly. My silly logic is like this...pretend a game is a chick, one night after the bar you get the chance to give her they old ramrod. Great night, and you're loving the situation you never have to see her again...but sadly...a few days of really enjoying your one night stand ends with the shock of a nasty STD...or IAP...suddenly the girl you thought you've never see again is haunting pay money to make the STD...or IAP...go away so you can feel good again. A free game with IAP is like a hot chick with an STD, yeah its fun at first until you come to the point where you need to spend money to get things back to normal I'd rather pay the up front fee of a nice clean call girl or full game, and not have to worry about any STD...or IAP.
I don't really like In app purchases either.. And its not because im cheap.. I buy a $50 iTunes card almost everyweek, (mainly because there's a deal on that you pay $40 and get $50) But anyway.. Id just prefer to pay premium price for a game, (iPad around $10) iPhone around $6.. And get all content.. I don't want to be tempted to keep spending Money on a game I will be bored of in a week Or so anyway..ive had 3 strikes already, spent over a grand on a Online game, and I havent played it in years .. So regretful.. 2. Little pirates- I was addicted this that game for about 3 weeks and spent over a $200 on it, and 3 was duel and blade, keep buying extra Monsters and treasure chests, spent about $100 I have an incredibly addictive personality, I actually got into gaming to help me with substance abuse problems but now it's just transferred those addictions, To a game buying addiction, I constantly but apps, and most of the time I don't even open them and try them, I just keep collecting them for some strange reason.. Some I do play, but most I download are for worrying If I end up back to my old ways and practically homeless, least I'll have lots of games to play! But I aint ever going back to That lifestyle again so I don't know where it comes from, Anyway, my point is, some people have addictive personalitys and can Go through 100s or 1000s of dollars On a game easily,then get bored of that game a week later! And what a waste.. If I REALLY liked a game badly, I'd be happy to Pay $50 for it, and get unlimited in app Purchases.. There needs to be some Sort of cap/limit because gaming is becoming just as addictive and gambling!
IAP is only necessary if you intend to sit there and try to quickly "beat" the game; the idea behind it seems to be that you set up construction, assign jobs, restock supplies, play around with your people for a bit, then shut down the app, do something else, and come back later. The game continues processing while you're away, with items selling and money arriving in real-time, so - as I discovered - if you sit and expect to be building a huge tower in a couple of hours a la various sim-type games, you're going to be bemused by the seemingly glacial pace. It isn't intended that you play for three hours at a time. Taking time to directly interact can allow you to earn more money, though, by using random VIPs with special abilities, or completing minor tasks that involve locating specific people in your tower, so it's worth hanging around for a bit while you restock shelves and ferry visitors up the elevator. As an aside, yes, the fact that the iOS gaming community is at the point where they demand games be free, have no ads, and no IAP in an environment where even the developers of popular games are barely breaking even (if not actually losing money) is a large part of the reason why the major game studios aren't planning to spend any real amount of time developing for this platform.
This. Nimblebits pocket frogs was IAP and not once did I ever feel like i'd hit a wall and needed to buy stuff to progress. I bet the majority of players will also say the same thing. Don't be put off by Nimblebit's IAP. It's free, just download it and try it. Don't piss and moan about. Christ this board sometimes.