In my opinion saying that "he will wait for the game to go free" should be an immediate permanent ban. Clean this place up right proper.
And why should he be banned for saying he's gonna wait for a price drop? That's not cleaning up, that's opinion genocide.
If you can't see why saying that you'll wait for a game to go free is bad for developers, gamers and iOS in general, I'm not going to waste my time explaining it to you.
Perhaps i'm from an older generation when games were much more expensive but seeing quality titles on iOS for a dollar or two is amazing. However hearing people wait for a price drop when a games a dollar or so, just depressing. Bit like me waiting for the economy beans in my supermarket to have a price cut so i can save myself a dime. I personally think if we all did that we'll then get freemium after freemium game more than ever. Out of a few dollars the dev only gets a chunk as Apple take their cut. If you like the look of a game just get it, its a few dollars and that purchase and extra sale might get us a sequel in the future. If we all waited for a price drop then the app store would be in a complete mess.
I agree with you on that, but saying someone should be banned for saying that they will wait is just poor form.
It's understandable if the developer has a history of dropping the price, or if the game is full of consumable IAP. But without knowing anything about the game and to say "I will get this when it's free." Please don't talk to me about poor form.
But some people have the mind set that iOS games are just time wasters ( a thing I really hate) I agree with everyone else on the price drop thing, although I think it's more based on someone's experience with iOS games. Then there's also a lot of cheapskates...
Apart from the fact that we've long established that Andy is indeed Cheaty McCheatyface from the small riverside hamlet of Cheatington-on-Cheat D), I'd say that statements to the effect of "I'll wait for this to go free" should indeed be disallowed here as they're of zero worth, and don't inform or assist developers in any way whatsoever. To the contrary, based on actual developer feedback, we know they only serve to drive people away. You don't lose out in any way by being asked not to make such valueless statements; if you want to wait for something to go free, fine, just show some respect and keep it to yourself.
Yes, it's annoying, but there no way a simple " I'll wait for this to drop in price," should be banned or deemed really disrespectful, as everyone in the world aren't entitled to your opinion, nor do they have to respect each and every iOS game by purchasing it at full price to support developers they may know nothing of. It's so frustrating to see people who like to spend their money here and there and down a person who wants it at a cheaper price.
I've missed you, too. <3 ''I'll get the game when it's free'' is not an opinion, it's a statement. A harmful and disrespectful one. Like Appletini said, such thoughts should be kept to oneself. That's my opinion.
Of course i dont think they should be banned but i dont see why people mention waiting for a price drop, no ones going to reply with 'great, thanks for letting us know' Games are SOOO cheap on iOS, saying that its depressing when you hear about devs not making enough money and closing/giving up. When an apps just a few dollars i'm happy for the dev to get as much money as he can from me when i buy it at full release price. Again back in the 80's games were expensive, i had to save up weeks of pocket money for games costing $12. Now we all have these great expensive devices yet people wait for price drops on a $2 game or so ? It wont help the dev and again its only a dollar or two. Plus why tell people you want to wait anyway ?
I understand the frustration of buying a game at full price, only to see a price drop a few weeks later. And with expensive games from big studios - Gameloft, Square Enix, so on - I even agree to a point. But if an indie dev is charging 1.99 for an awesome game... I mean, come on, you're really going to wait for a price drop on that?
That's not the issue being discussed, though. Nobody's saying you have to buy everything at full price, they're pointing out that it's not even remotely positive or productive for people to pop into a game's thread for the sole purpose of stating, "Hi there, nothing at all constructive to add, just thought I'd let you know that I have no intention of paying you for your work. Gimme the game for free and I might deign to give it a moment of my time." That's exactly what somebody is doing when their entire contribution to a thread is some variation of "I'll wait for this to go free", only without the benefit of eloquence or even minimal tact. It is rude, and it is disrespectful, and you're not negatively impacted by being asked (or potentially told outright) not to do it. We don't allow people to ask or beg for promo codes here, and stating "I'll wait for this to go free" really is as presumptuous and completely devoid of valuable feedback as "I'll wait for a promo code" would be. If you feel the uncontrollable need to openly state that you're not going to pay for an app, then at the bare minimum as a socially-functioning human being you owe the developer an informative, constructive explanation to go along with that. If you don't want to buy a game because you feel it is unacceptably sexist, racist, or otherwise offensive in some way, and explain this, that's valuable feedback. Conversely, if your reasoning is just the more common, "I'm not buying it because I'm a cheap bastage who'd rather not pay for anything," then one would hope you'd understand why you'd be better off keeping your intentions and viewpoint to yourself.