We're mad as hell about iOS games that cost money, have ads, and/or any IAP at all.

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by tsharpfilm, Nov 3, 2009.


Is Canabalt worth $2.99?

  1. Yes

    213 vote(s)
  2. No

    293 vote(s)
  3. Not my type of game

    102 vote(s)
  1. devensega

    devensega Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2011
    If you mean the posts immediately above yours it was Battle Academy for ipad. The posts have been removed now.
  2. Salokcin777

    Salokcin777 Active Member

    May 20, 2012
    Yeah, I've spent more than the cost of the game for just unlocking the guns, now they want more..
  3. bigrand1

    bigrand1 Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
    Geriatric Party Animal
    California, USA
    Yeah, well fugetaboutit! Deleted this.
  4. Exactly. You whiners need to suck it up and grow up. I bet you guys that are complaining got it on sale or for free anyway.
  5. {SQUEEK}

    {SQUEEK} Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2012
    Agreed. Was (prob still is) the best 3rd person shooter for iOS.

    You all can call me a whining four legged quadruped all you want but still say what they did is BS.
  6. Rip73

    Rip73 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    #2226 Rip73, Dec 14, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2012
    I wasn't going to bother commenting but the level of criticism of the dev is a bit too much.
    I'll agree the price of the Expansion Pack (yes, it's an expansion pack, everybody still got an upgraded improved game) is a bit on the high side.

    However, here's a few numbers.
    Less than 5% of the people that have the game payed for it. They picked it up when it was free. Of that 95% who got it for free, the uptake on iap is tiny.

    Now, I've a simple enough question.
    If as a dev, you've spent two years working on a product and only 5% of the people who have you're product have actually purchased it or spent any money on it, how exactly are you meant to stay in business?

    Yeah it's tough on the early buyers but something has to be done to generate revenue from your product to simply survive never mind make a profit.
    Early adopters can skip the maps if they want or they can get them, whatever, its up to them but the dev has to try and make some kind of money out of the typical wait for when its free/on sale attitude of the App Store because they ain't buying guns with iap.

    Now, to all the free download moaners, would you prefer that they went broke because no one paid for the game?
    Go out and develop your own game and release it and just see how hard it is to make money. Not every game generates Angry Birds or CSR Racing money.
    It is annoying for early buyers but the only one getting screwed over is the dev when people will only get the game when it's free.

    I'm out now, so don't any of the usual haters/free customers reply, I won't be participating further in an argument over tiny amounts of money to an individual but something that has a big impact in revenue for a developer.
  7. MeanTuna

    MeanTuna Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2012

    QFT . Most of the time that something like this happens, specially when dealing with indies, is more a situation of staying in business than greedines or shady tactics.
  8. Hold on, Rip, I'm trying to find my medal for you...;)

    But seriously guys, Rip is 9001% correct.
  9. Johnny101

    Johnny101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2011
    What happened to some of the comments? I guess they were deleted. There is no way I'll spend 5 bucks for the new maps after originally spending 5 bucks on this game. So much for gratitude to your paying customers.
  10. Bool Zero

    Bool Zero Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2010
    #2230 Bool Zero, Dec 14, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2012
    No, the problem here is that we have one group that sees it simple as a matter of money and the other side which sees it as a matter of principle, and the one side can't seem to get past the minuscule cost to understand that it's not about the money it's about the principle.

    At the rate the Internet seems to dictate it, there seems little consumer interest left, only consumers who seem largely concerned about company interest, which is an odd paradigm shift. If one buys a product and soon after it breaks, one has a right to complain; especially after the price is dropped when it breaks so soon after release to appease new sales while disregarding your established loyal early paid customers. In any other situation folks would be in agreeance, but since we are talking about video games and such psychological warfare has been waged in recent years to make us look at developers and publishers as the constant victims that we should throw money at and whom do no wrong... Well, we will have constant defenders of "the little guy", even when the little guy wholely messed up to earn the ire its getting.

    I wonder how agreeable folks would be in other situations where their good or service is marred? Would you take the chicken sandwich and not complain even though you ordered the burger at a fast food restaurant, or not send back the over done steak when you ordered it rare defending their trials and tribulations as food service industry personel? Kidding of course, but hopefully the point translates!

    It's not about the money (financial value) its about the principle (personal value)! The cost could be .99¢ or $999; in either case such practices are bad form regardless of the price.
  11. Rip73

    Rip73 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    It wasn't censored.
    It was all moved to the end of this thread
    Which is meant to make a particular point as the discussion was about devs and money rather than about the game.
    And it is visible in your subscribed threads in your user cp.
  12. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State
    The problem here is that you view it as "getting screwed" even though you had no reason to expect otherwise, in fact, you had EVERY reason to expect exactly this.

    Your insurance company trying to get out of paying for over $1000 in repairs on your car when you were the victim of a hit and run by some idiot changing lanes into... you. That's getting screwed.

    Getting fired from your job after a drunken off duty cop started a fight with you at a pool hall but his buddies on the force charged you with assaulting an officer... that's getting screwed.

    Paying $2 for a game on the Apple app store and it going on sale for $1 (or even $2) less within a short time of you buying it? Not even a mild insult.

    If you're interested in a game, you buy it at whatever price you're interested enough to pay, full stop. Whether it doubles in price the next day or starts giving $100 app store gift certificates to everyone who buys it after you did doesn't matter in any way.

    I paid $2 for this game, got my $2 worth out of it already. They can start giving it away to people with a new Mercedes Benz, I won't care at all. If I'd really cared about the $1 that much I would have waited because it was a given it wasn't going to stay at $2. Given the inflexibility of pricing on the app store, any dev who doesn't want to have to go free if they feel the need to get people's attention is going to price their game at $2-$3 just so they can hold a sale without going free.
  13. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    Wow I totally agree with you...
  14. TheFrost

    TheFrost Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2010
    I strongly disagree with this debate against the price drop... if they drop the price to fight the horde of apps that costs 99 cents and the big companys like EA or Gameloft with they Holiday Sales, let them do it. Mointain Sheep arent rich by the way, they have to eat too and buy things like all of us here
  15. TicTac

    TicTac Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2011
    You can explain about price all you want, it doesn't change the fact that all we need to do is wait 1 week and buy MS games at half price which is what I will do next time. That's the effect of this move MS pulled.

    It's not a complaint about quality of games or price. This game is top notch and worth every penny of the $2 I paid. It is also not about the price drop but the timing of it. I wouldn't mind waiting 1 week and buying it cheaper next time.
  16. Jouni

    Jouni Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2009
    Mountain Sheep
    Whether you choose to wait or spend the extra dollar to support the games you feel are worth supporting is obviously up to you, we're thankful we even got up to the #21 spot in the first week and couldn't have done it without the early adopters. However, if everyone had waited, we would end up with a product we can't afford to support.

    The only thing we can do is keep making games that people feel are worth paying money for. If you wish to give us less money, or even no money at all, that's perfectly fair and something we have to counter by pushing the quality even further.
  17. MicroByte

    MicroByte Well-Known Member

    I think it's respectable that you took the time to address the issue head on, to me it seems justifiable and, unfortunately, one of the realities of the iOS ecosystem. I know personally, if there is a game I truly enjoyed, I will buy IAP, even if I don't use it with the hopes that it helps smaller developers such as yourselves.
  18. Johnny101

    Johnny101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2011
    I don't question the developers need for trying to make money. That is justifiable but I do think there could be a little gratitude for the original paying customers. I know that Madfinger gave some free weapons to people that bought Dead Trigger for a buck.

    But for us 5% that spent money on Trigger fist, it would have been a nice gesture to give the paying customers a deal on those maps. Do I really care about 5 bucks, no. Just a nice way of the devs rewarding the original paying customers.
  19. Johnny101

    Johnny101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2011
    Thanks for the info Rip
  20. Pocketnova

    Pocketnova Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2012
    As much as I want a free code for a MS game, I know I wasn't really angry at all. XD I guess I could just go buy BB or any other.

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