The issue isn't the price itself, it's the fact that it costs more then it's XBLA/PSN counterparts which have multiplayer and physical controls. Very rarely do iPhone games cost more then their console counterparts and do so with less features. In fact I can't think of a single example other then this where that's the case. I would have totally been willing to pay the $12 for it anyway if it had iPad 1 support. Now I'm thinking my money is better spent on a half dozen iCade compatible titles I haven't picked up yet or Chrono Trigger.
So tell us genius how exactly was the iOS version supposed to have physical controls? You all need to stop crying. Either buy the damn game or stfu and move on! Aren't those garbage final fantasy games always $12 to $15? Yet ff fans never complain. So buy or go away!
13$ for a 12 year old game is extremely expensive when something like shadowgun (new game with a meaty , after the update, campaign and shiny graphics ) costs 5$ . If Namco wanted to sell an expensive game they should port something more recent or , God forbid , make an exclusive IOS game like EA did with dead space .
Final Fantasy Tactics. As I understand it, the XBLA/PSN versions are emulated, with the original graphics. This one runs natively and has upgraded/retina graphics. The physical controls are neither here nor there (it's the nature of the platform), but I'd gladly pay an extra $2 for a game that actually looks good on a hi-res screen.
FFT for PSP is $10 on Amazon right now, it's $16 on iOS. I honestly haven't played the game on XBLA so I'm willing to yield my argument on the graphics front. Maybe the iOS version really does look significantly better. If that's worth the extra couple of bucks to you then go for it. As I stated originally Soul Calibur is totally worth $12 but the lack of iPad 1 support is a dealbreaker for me, at least for now. Well for one thing I was planning on using bluetrol to make it iCade compatible but that's moot since it doesn't support iPad 1. That's really here nor there, the fact is it's a game designed around physical controls and multiplayer and this version has nether at a higher cost.
That's what I wanted to hear. For a tight port and a universal app, $12 sounds like a worthy price tag. Though I do think Namco might have seen more revenue if they'd priced the game below the psychological threshold of $10.
Totally agree, a slightly cheaper price and i'm sure they would get even more sales as the rest of us who are sitting on the fence will get it. At the moment it seems mostly the huge fans of the original, the rest who 'wouldnt mind it but arent too bothered' wont get it till it drops in price a bit. But these high priced games recently worry me a bit, if companies arent making tons of money constantly from iOS and they dont want to go to IAP route then i think we'll see more and more prices like this.
Yeah, for a 10 year old game, it's very expensive, i'll still get it. Depends how well it performs on iPod Touch 4G.
The game looks incredible in the video with the retina, but the sky-high price IS a deal-breaker to me, and for that reason, I don't think I'll be getting it, though from the quality, I AM somewhat tempted. Thirteen bucks for this and this may hurt sales considerably, I'm afraid. Oh, well, that's the way it goes. Can you imagine if they have the nerve to add IAP in there, too?
The price whiners seriously need to QFT. This isn't 10 minutes of effort. It's a full on port of an incredible arcade/console game that has retained EVERYTHING in the transition, while being OPTIMIZED in updated retina graphics to make it look better than ever. Nothing has been skimped or overlooked. It's apparent a lot of work and effort went into this PREMIUM title. $12 to own this incredibly nurtured classic on your iPhone/iPad is a steal!
give me a break why wouldn't a 12 year old game retain everything for devices as powerful as the ipad2 and the iphone4/s ? Have you seen how soul caliber destiny looks on the psp ? The price is a rip off and an insult to ios users AND a valid topic of discussion in a thread about this game .
Actually, both multiplayer and story mode seem to be gone from the iOS version of SC. But that really doesn't matter in the context of your argument, as I agree completely in that the game is worth $12 or more
Yup! The price IS a valid issue here, and the points you brought up are some of the reasons why! +1! How it controls on the touch screen could be a whole 'nother deal, too! Know what I'm sayin'?
Let's just rally against Namco to get them to lower the price. We did it for a PC port of Dark Souls!
Nostalgia has always been a huge cash cow in the appstore. provides opportunities for companies to give older games a 2nd life and milk the franchise to the max. The high price tags are obviously targeted at a niche group of people who are willing to fork out that amount to some fond memories.
LOL! Just read your post after I posted my response to this. Maybe we should add that 15$+ is like declaring the WWIII: "OMG, 15 bucks! It's like the devs bombed my home country!".