We're mad as hell about iOS games that cost money, have ads, and/or any IAP at all.

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by tsharpfilm, Nov 3, 2009.


Is Canabalt worth $2.99?

  1. Yes

    213 vote(s)
  2. No

    293 vote(s)
  3. Not my type of game

    102 vote(s)
  1. backtothis

    backtothis im in ur base killin ur d00dz
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 13, 2009
    college student (junior)
    Houston/Austin, TX
    Oh cool, here we go again. It's been a while since this thread was used. Our latest posts were moved here from the RayForce thread, enjoy.
  2. bigrand1

    bigrand1 Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
    Geriatric Party Animal
    California, USA
    At THAT price? Forget it!
  3. Vovin

    Vovin 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Nov 28, 2009
    #2003 Vovin, Jan 13, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2012
    Cheapskates, cheapskates - neener neener neeeeeeener! :D

    This thread has hundreds of reasons why Freemium will take over the App Store soon.
    It's funny how people destroy their own beloved market. Especially people with hundreds-of-dollars-devices, lol.
  4. headcaseGames

    headcaseGames Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2009
    Mobile Game Developer
    Hollywood, CA
    I am very curious to see how this winds up. I expected it to be a port of the polygon PSX game, not the original 16-bitter!

    $12 is nuts for an old game like this, but I am proud to see someone stepping up and trying to go against the grain. I'm not saying it isn't worth the money (well, from what I expect of the touch controls, that's another issue) but I don't expect it to sell very well. Should be interesting to watch!

    PS. Taito, please port the 3D one to the 3DS and I will buy it for whatever you charge for it ;) That would be rad!
  5. bigrand1

    bigrand1 Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
    Geriatric Party Animal
    California, USA
    They're crazy to ask $12 for that! Doesn't even matter how good it is! Even Cave wouldn't try and stick us like that! Forget it!
  6. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    I love retro games but the price is stupid. I won't buy this as I don't want to encourage these stupid prices in the app store. Doesn't someone who works for taito say to the boss 'app games normally go for far less'

    Ridiculous price
  7. Gabrien

    Gabrien Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2009
    #2007 Gabrien, Jan 13, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2012
    Thank you, no.
  8. Vovin

    Vovin 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Nov 28, 2009
    #2008 Vovin, Jan 13, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2012
    Lol, and these ppl are demanding AAA-titles for iOS, lol.
    Why, when they aren't buying them anyway?

    Just look at Cave's dilemma. And Cave, who are pricing these games 25% less than this Taito game, are disappointed by the revenues. The outcome? Cave might go Freemium. GameLoft goes Freemium. Venan goes Freemium. The cause? Self-explaining.
  9. lena

    lena Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2011
    Well, at least this is better than Drawin' Growin', which cost 0.99 but needs consumable IAP to play.
  10. cabdog

    cabdog Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2011
    Looking at the video footage I personally find Cave's games far more appealing. I can't fathom why this game is twice as much as the majority of Cave's offerings, considering this game looks 'retro' comparatively speaking. I'm sure they will figure it out and lower the price.
  11. Spamcan

    Spamcan Well-Known Member

    $12 for Rayforce is probably worth it but the issue is once you start getting into the $10 range people stop making split second decisions and start to budget. I'd buy Chrono Trigger before Rayforce and the only reason I haven't done so is because I have a whole backlog of other $10 XBLA, PSN and iOS games yet to purchase.
  12. RCranium666

    RCranium666 Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2010
    I expect quality for my money. I must've spent more than $500 in the app store. If they brought raiden4 to iOS, I'd buy it for $20 and I already own it on xbox360. These old games have already been designed, they're not being created from scratch.
  13. kearnel

    kearnel Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2011
    Swansea, UK
    I think tai to, square, etc prices are too high also, but doesn't stop me buying them. Damn game addiction, lol :)
  14. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Totally stupid they moved the posts about that games silly high price here instead of leaving it in the actual game thread. If taito see that thread they'll think 'cool no one seems to mind the high price!'

    Lots of other threads for games people talk about the price but those posts don't get move
  15. Eli

    Eli ᕕ┌◕ᗜ◕┐ᕗ
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    If you report price whining posts they'll get moved. I move all the ones I see.
  16. Vovin

    Vovin 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Nov 28, 2009
    #2016 Vovin, Jan 14, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2012

    Price discusions are:

    1. idiotic,
    2. not wanted in the threads about the games ('cause it's about game, not the price),
    3. one reason for Freemium games,
    4. suggesting that all iOS gamers are bloody cheapskates,
    5. one reason for the absence of more AAA-titles,
    6. idiotic and
    7. senseless.

    8 out of 10 iDevices seem to be shipped & delivered with an additional free pack of insolence.
  17. Barcâ

    Barcâ Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2010
    Thread title change suggestion: THE PRICE OF THAT APP IS TOO DAMN HIGH!

    Context: [​IMG]
  18. DodgerBlue016

    DodgerBlue016 Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2011
    I create awesome paper airplanes that I will sell
    I semi-disagree. If it's whining that the price is too high and crap like that, then I agree with you. However, good price discussion is basically saying: Is this game worth the price, compared to other games on the market. With Rayforce (the new Taito game that all this price discussion stuff is about), I have to say that from what people are saying, it's a fairly mediocre game, and even more expensive than CAVE's stuff, which are better games than this one....which means it's probly not worth the price compared to better alternatives...
  19. Eli

    Eli ᕕ┌◕ᗜ◕┐ᕗ
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    The problem is, prices change significantly, games usually do not. When you Google an iOS game title, chances are the TouchArcade thread will be very near the top of the results. Now, next holiday season (or sooner, who knows) if Taito has a sale on the game and people look for it on Google, how relevant are 30 posts of people being like "HAHA $11.99?! SOMEONE PINCH ME I MUST BE DREAMING!!!" going to be?
  20. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    So what next? Can't discuss freemium issues in a particular game thread? The threads to discuss the game and whether it's good or not, worth the money etc. if a game is expensive then let people talk about it. In many game threads you have kids moaning if a games £1.99 instead of 69p yet those discussions stay and aren't moved.

    The taito game is totally overpriced. For a new game it's disappeared quickly down the forum

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